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Discussione: jasper 16m dash 13599 con coolrunner rev C e J -R programmer.... DILEMMA!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013

    jasper 16m dash 13599 con coolrunner rev C e J -R programmer.... DILEMMA!!!!!!!

    Salve volevo chiederti aiuto riguardo un RGH che mi sono apprestato a fare sulla consolle di mio figlio una:
    XBOX 360 JASPER 16 MB CON DASH 13599 CB 6750
    Ho provato a eseguire l'RGH 1 con J-R Programmer e COOL RUNNER rev C .
    ho usato il programma j runner..
    Tutto ok fino alla scrittura del file .ecc
    la xbox parte con XELL funzionate ma quando poi faccio "create image" e "write nand" lo esegue ma la xbox non parte piu' ne in XELL col tasto ejecht ne dal tasto centrale in dashbord.
    Praticamente il led verde di degug del cool runner si accende x quasi mezzo secondo ogni 5 secondi ( per cui dovrebbe gliccare ) ma non parte nulla.
    Riscrivendo la nand con file. ECC. la consolle parte su XELL senza problemi dopo 10 ".
    Il grande dillemma è: non parte per un problema di glich o perchè la nand non viene scritta bene da J Runner?

    Grazie a tutti voi x la preziosa collaborazione..

  2. #2
    Open Member L'avatar di kiron78
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Penso piu' che altro che devi giocare con la lunghezza\posizione del reset. Se i dump sono buoni, il chip è programmato con i timing giusti di solito è solo l'installazione il problema (di solito)
    "Unisciti a me nella lotta contro le QSB"

  3. #3
    Master member L'avatar di TheLinuxMafia
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2012
    Se non viene scritta bene da jrunner sicuramente ti restituisce qualche errore, quindi in assenza di questi la console deve partire, crea il freeboot e fai delle foto del'installazione, oltre ad uno screenshot del jrunner per capire sè è tutto ok.
    kiron78 likes this.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    una curiosita'...ma se la consolle dopo che ho caricato il file .ECC parte subito in XELL in soli 5 secondi significa che glicca oppure no? no bovrebbe fare uguale dopo aver caricato il file updflash.bin??? (praticamente il file immaggine creato da j runner)

  5. #5
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Significa che se vuoi aiuto devi postare foto dell'installazione. Se hai fatto RGH1 risalda meglio il _pll o aggiungi un 100 nF fra il _pll e gnd

  6. #6
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Puoi inoltre usare il comodo flash da xell con una pennetta USB per scongiurare i problemi di scrittura con tale Hardware

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    x the pusher provato il flash da USB niente nessun risultato.....

    adesso provo ad inviare alcune foto.. scusate la qualita'....
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_163707.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_165034.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_163731.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_163903.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_164851.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_164957.jpg   jasper 16m dash 13599  con coolrunner rev C    e  J -R programmer....  DILEMMA!!!!!!!-20130128_165009.jpg  

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    di seguito anche il file upload.bin

    xeBuild v1.05.548
    building glitch image
    <enter> key on completion suppressed
    data directory overridden from command line to '.\xeBuild\13599\'
    per build directory overridden from command line to 'xeBuild\data'
    file name overridden from command line to 'C:\Documents and Settings\PC Toshiba\Desktop\174589194405\updflash.bin'

    ------ parsing user ini at '.\xeBuild\data\options.ini' ------
    loading file...done!
    pre-parsing and sanitizing
    User options.ini loaded, 0x18c bytes in memory
    loading cpukey.txt from .\xeBuild\data\cpukey.txt
    CPU Key set to: 0x57A0446707A0F19CD3ED8C9D1A5BC50C
    setting 1blkey from ini: 0xDD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA
    1BL Key set to: 0xDD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA sum: 0x983 (expects: 0x983)
    xex Key set to: 0x20A185A59D28FDC340583FBB0896BF91 sum: 0x800 (expects: 0x800)
    Using patchsmc option (ini file)

    ------ parsing ini at '.\xeBuild\13599\_glitch.ini' ------
    ini version 13599

    ini: label [jasperbl] found
    found (1) 'cb_6750.bin' crc: 0xf7afa8cc
    found (2) 'none' crc: 0x00000000
    found (3) 'cd_8453.bin' crc: 0x25e0acd0
    found (4) 'ce_1888.bin' crc: 0xff9b60df
    found (5) 'cf_13599.bin' crc: 0x2b069820
    found (6) 'cg_13599.bin' crc: 0xa5fd5e8b

    ini: label [flashfs] found
    found (1) 'aac.xexp' crc: 0xa622262f
    found (2) 'bootanim.xex' crc: 0x5ebaa67f
    found (3) 'createprofile.xex' crc: 0xf53f0259
    found (4) 'dash.xex' crc: 0x0377a5b8
    found (5) 'deviceselector.xex' crc: 0xa5da5863
    found (6) 'gamerprofile.xex' crc: 0x9b97b30f
    found (7) 'hud.xex' crc: 0x3bd83963
    found (8) 'huduiskin.xex' crc: 0xf7c69840
    found (9) 'mfgbootlauncher.xex' crc: 0xf4d1be33
    found (10) 'minimediaplayer.xex' crc: 0xcbd3e4a6
    found (11) 'nomni.xexp' crc: 0x8099a6af
    found (12) 'nomnifwk.xexp' crc: 0x43d15042
    found (13) 'nomnifwm.xexp' crc: 0x6c1f328e
    found (14) 'signin.xex' crc: 0x013749fb
    found (15) 'updater.xex' crc: 0x0d0d3f84
    found (16) 'vk.xex' crc: 0xc3707c11
    found (17) 'xam.xex' crc: 0x35c77172
    found (18) 'xenonclatin.xtt' crc: 0xd5d17ff5
    found (19) 'xenonclatin.xttp' crc: 0x7a507ad1
    found (20) 'xenonjklatin.xtt' crc: 0xdde4a14c
    found (21) 'xenonjklatin.xttp' crc: 0x945b7092
    found (22) 'ximecore.xex' crc: 0xa49f0061
    found (23) 'ximedic.xex' crc: 0x1d992bfb
    found (24) 'ximedic.xexp' crc: 0xf67612f5
    found (25) '..\launch.xex' crc: 0x00000000
    found (26) '..\lhelper.xex' crc: 0x00000000
    found (27) '..\launch.ini' crc: 0x00000000

    ini: label [security] found
    found (1) 'crl.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (2) 'dae.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (3) 'extended.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (4) 'fcrt.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (5) 'secdata.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    ------ ini parsing completed ------

    output name overridden to: C:\Documents and Settings\PC Toshiba\Desktop\174589194405\updflash.bin

    ------ Checking .\xeBuild\data\nanddump.bin ------
    .\xeBuild\data\nanddump.bin file size: 0x1080000
    nanddump header checks passed OK!
    Loading NAND dump (0x1080000 bytes)...done!
    Detecting NAND controller type from dump data...
    NAND dump is from a small block machine
    NAND dump uses big block controller
    parsing dump into user and spare...
    decrypting KeyVault at address 0x4000 of size 0x4000
    keyvault decrypted OK, will use if no kv.bin is provided
    decrypting SMC at address 0x1000 of size 0x3000
    SMC decrypted OK, will use if no external smc.bin is provided
    seeking smc config in dump...found at offset 0xf7c000! Using if no smc config is provided.
    CF slot 0 decrypted ok LDV 0x05 Pairing: 0x6094c2
    setting LDV from image to 5
    setting pairing data from image to 0x6094c2
    MobileB.dat found at page 0x27e0, size 2048 (0x800) bytes
    MobileD.dat found at page 0x36a0, size 2048 (0x800) bytes
    MobileE.dat found at page 0x27c0, size 1536 (0x600) bytes
    Statistics.settings found at page 0x7bc0, size 4096 (0x1000) bytes
    seeking FSRoot...fsroot found at page 0x2000 raw offset 0x420000
    seeking security files...
    crl.bin found in sector 0x15c size 0xa00...verified! Will use if external file not found.
    dae.bin found in sector 0x242 size 0x7090...verified! Will use if external file not found.
    extended.bin found in sector 0x352 size 0x4000...verified! Will use if external file not found.
    secdata.bin found in sector 0xff size 0x400...verified! Will use if external file not found.
    Writing initial header to flash image

    ------ loading system update container ------
    .\xeBuild\13599\su20076000_00000000 found, loading...done!
    Read 0xb1c000 bytes to memory
    checking container integrity...
    header seems valid, version 2.0.13599.00
    header hash is OK, checking content hashes...
    content hashes seem OK, everything looks good!
    extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin (0x69d60 bytes)
    decrypting SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CF_13599.bin (0x4450 bytes)...done!
    decrypting SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CG_13599.bin (0x6590e bytes)...done!

    ------ Loading bootloaders and required security files ------
    reading .\xeBuild\data\smc.bin failed, using smc.bin from nand dump
    reset smc load address to 0x1000 size 0x3000
    reading .\xeBuild\data\kv.bin failed, using kv.bin from nand dump
    reading .\common\cb_6750.bin (0x9a40 bytes)
    reading .\common\cd_8453.bin (0x5780 bytes)
    reading .\common\ce_1888.bin (0x5606a b pad 0x56070 b)
    reading .\xeBuild\data\xell-gggggg.bin (0x40000 bytes)
    extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CF_13599.bin (0x4450 bytes)
    extracted SUPD\xboxupd.bin\CG_13599.bin (0x6590e bytes)
    reading .\xeBuild\13599\bin\patches_fat.bin (0x714 bytes)
    reading .\xeBuild\data\smc_config.bin failed, using smc_config.bin from nand dump
    checking smc_config
    extracting config
    SMC config info:
    Target temps: Cpu: 80øC Gpu: 75øC Edram: 77øC
    Max temps : Cpu: 95øC Gpu: 90øC Edram: 92øC
    Cpu Fan : (auto)
    Gpu Fan : (auto)
    MAC Address : 00:25:ae:22:5c:0e
    AVRegion : 0x00000300 (PAL50)
    GameRegion : 0x02fe (PAL/EU)
    DVDRegion : 2
    resetKey : RYDL
    Checking for smc config data patches
    smc config was not patched
    patch slot offset reset to: 0xb0000

    ------ Patching BLs and modifying patches ------
    Patching header for xell power reason
    Patching BLs...Done!

    ------ Encrypting and finalizing bootloaders ------
    encoding smc.bin size 0x3000
    SMC checksum: 5b3aed00
    known clean SMC found, type: Jasper v4.1(2.03)
    patching smc at offset: 0x12ba
    SMC glitch hacked successfully!
    encoding kv.bin size 0x4000
    decrypted keyvault has been set for reference
    encoding cb_6750.bin size 0x9a40
    CB 6750 seq 0x01070050 type: 0x01 cseq: 0x07 allow: 0x0050
    expected fuses:
    fuseset 00: C0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    fuseset 01: 0F0F0F0F0F0F0FF0
    fuseset 02: 000000F000000000 (sequence)
    fuseset 02: 0000F00000000000 (allow cseq 5)
    fuseset 02: 000000F000000000 (allow cseq 7)
    encoding cd_8453.bin size 0x5a60
    encoding ce_1888.bin size 0x56070
    encoding xell-gggggg.bin size 0x40000
    encoding cf_13599.bin size 0x4450
    encoding cg_13599.bin size 0x65910
    encoding patches_fat.bin size 0x404

    ------ Adding bootloaders to flash image ------
    adding smc.bin at raw offset 0x00001000 len 0x3000 (end 0x4000)
    adding kv.bin at raw offset 0x00004000 len 0x4000 (end 0x8000)
    adding cb_6750.bin at raw offset 0x00008000 len 0x9a40 (end 0x11a40)
    adding cd_8453.bin at raw offset 0x00011a40 len 0x5a60 (end 0x174a0)
    adding ce_1888.bin at raw offset 0x000174a0 len 0x56070 (end 0x6d510)
    adding xell-gggggg.bin at raw offset 0x00070000 len 0x40000 (end 0xb0000)
    adding cf_13599.bin at raw offset 0x000b0000 len 0x4450 (end 0xb4450)
    adding cg_13599.bin at raw offset 0x000b4450 len 0x65910 (end 0xc0000, rest in fs)
    adding patches_fat.bin at raw offset 0x000c0010 len 0x404 (end 0xc0414)
    Fixing up FS table...done!
    Writing zeropair CG patch slot overflow data to sysupdate.xexp1
    at raw offset 0xd0000 len 0x00059d60 (end: 0x00129d60)...done!

    ------ adding 27 firmware files ------
    extracted SUPD\aac.xexp (0x4800 bytes) (crc32: 0xa622262f ini: 0xa622262f)
    adding as aac.xexp1 at raw offset 0x129d60 len 0x00004800 (end 0x0012e560)
    extracted SUPD\bootanim.xex (0x55000 bytes) (crc32: 0x5ebaa67f ini: 0x5ebaa67f)
    adding as bootanim.xex at raw offset 0x130800 len 0x00055000 (end 0x00185800)
    extracted SUPD\createprofile.xex (0xc000 bytes) (crc32: 0xf53f0259 ini: 0xf53f0259)
    adding as createprofile.xex at raw offset 0x189000 len 0x0000c000 (end 0x00195000)
    extracted SUPD\dash.xex (0x5e9000 bytes) (crc32: 0x0377a5b8 ini: 0x0377a5b8)
    adding as dash.xex at raw offset 0x198000 len 0x005e9000 (end 0x00781000)
    extracted SUPD\deviceselector.xex (0x9000 bytes) (crc32: 0xa5da5863 ini: 0xa5da5863)
    adding as deviceselector.xex at raw offset 0x781000 len 0x00009000 (end 0x0078a000)
    extracted SUPD\gamerprofile.xex (0x1a000 bytes) (crc32: 0x9b97b30f ini: 0x9b97b30f)
    adding as gamerprofile.xex at raw offset 0x78d000 len 0x0001a000 (end 0x007a7000)
    extracted SUPD\hud.xex (0x1f000 bytes) (crc32: 0x3bd83963 ini: 0x3bd83963)
    adding as hud.xex at raw offset 0x7aa000 len 0x0001f000 (end 0x007c9000)
    extracted SUPD\huduiskin.xex (0x11000 bytes) (crc32: 0xf7c69840 ini: 0xf7c69840)
    adding as huduiskin.xex at raw offset 0x7cb000 len 0x00011000 (end 0x007dc000)
    extracted SUPD\mfgbootlauncher.xex (0x8000 bytes) (crc32: 0xf4d1be33 ini: 0xf4d1be33)
    adding as mfgbootlauncher.xex at raw offset 0x7dd000 len 0x00008000 (end 0x007e5000)
    extracted SUPD\minimediaplayer.xex (0xc000 bytes) (crc32: 0xcbd3e4a6 ini: 0xcbd3e4a6)
    adding as minimediaplayer.xex at raw offset 0x7e8000 len 0x0000c000 (end 0x007f4000)
    extracted SUPD\nomni.xexp (0xd000 bytes) (crc32: 0x8099a6af ini: 0x8099a6af)
    adding as nomni.xexp1 at raw offset 0x7f4000 len 0x0000d000 (end 0x00801000)
    extracted SUPD\nomnifwk.xexp (0x2000 bytes) (crc32: 0x43d15042 ini: 0x43d15042)
    adding as nomnifwk.xexp1 at raw offset 0x801000 len 0x00002000 (end 0x00803000)
    extracted SUPD\nomnifwm.xexp (0x5000 bytes) (crc32: 0x6c1f328e ini: 0x6c1f328e)
    adding as nomnifwm.xexp1 at raw offset 0x806000 len 0x00005000 (end 0x0080b000)
    extracted SUPD\signin.xex (0x12000 bytes) (crc32: 0x013749fb ini: 0x013749fb)
    adding as signin.xex at raw offset 0x80d000 len 0x00012000 (end 0x0081f000)
    extracted SUPD\updater.xex (0x8000 bytes) (crc32: 0x0d0d3f84 ini: 0x0d0d3f84)
    adding as updater.xex at raw offset 0x822000 len 0x00008000 (end 0x0082a000)
    extracted SUPD\vk.xex (0x9000 bytes) (crc32: 0xc3707c11 ini: 0xc3707c11)
    adding as vk.xex at raw offset 0x82c000 len 0x00009000 (end 0x00835000)
    extracted SUPD\xam.xex (0x217000 bytes) (crc32: 0x35c77172 ini: 0x35c77172)
    adding as xam.xex at raw offset 0x835000 len 0x00217000 (end 0x00a4c000)
    extracted nanddump\xenonclatin.xtt (0x11b000 bytes) (crc32: 0xd5d17ff5 ini: 0xd5d17ff5)
    adding as xenonclatin.xtt at raw offset 0xa4f000 len 0x0011b000 (end 0x00b6a000)
    extracted SUPD\xenonclatin.xttp (0x18000 bytes) (crc32: 0x7a507ad1 ini: 0x7a507ad1)
    adding as xenonclatin.xttp1 at raw offset 0xb6b000 len 0x00018000 (end 0x00b83000)
    extracted nanddump\xenonjklatin.xtt (0x1a8000 bytes) (crc32: 0xdde4a14c ini: 0xdde4a14c)
    adding as xenonjklatin.xtt at raw offset 0xb84000 len 0x001a8000 (end 0x00d2c000)
    extracted SUPD\xenonjklatin.xttp (0x7000 bytes) (crc32: 0x945b7092 ini: 0x945b7092)
    adding as xenonjklatin.xttp1 at raw offset 0xd2c000 len 0x00007000 (end 0x00d33000)
    extracted SUPD\ximecore.xex (0x15000 bytes) (crc32: 0xa49f0061 ini: 0xa49f0061)
    adding as ximecore.xex at raw offset 0xd33000 len 0x00015000 (end 0x00d48000)
    extracted nanddump\ximedic.xex (0x90000 bytes) (crc32: 0x1d992bfb ini: 0x1d992bfb)
    adding as ximedic.xex at raw offset 0xd49000 len 0x00090000 (end 0x00dd9000)
    extracted SUPD\ximedic.xexp (0x2800 bytes) (crc32: 0xf67612f5 ini: 0xf67612f5)
    adding as ximedic.xexp1 at raw offset 0xddc000 len 0x00002800 (end 0x00dde800)
    reading .\xeBuild\13599\..\launch.xex (0xc800 bytes)
    adding as launch.xex at raw offset 0xdde800 len 0x0000c800 (end 0x00deb000)
    reading .\xeBuild\13599\..\lhelper.xex (0x6000 bytes)
    adding as lhelper.xex at raw offset 0xdec800 len 0x00006000 (end 0x00df2800)
    reading .\xeBuild\13599\..\launch.ini (0x17f bytes)
    adding as launch.ini at raw offset 0xdf6000 len 0x0000017f (end 0x00df617f)

    ------ adding 5 security files ------
    <- Processing crl.bin ->
    reading .\xeBuild\data\crl.bin (0xa00 bytes)
    crl appears crypted, attempting to decrypt with CPU key...failed! Trying alternate key...success!
    adding as crl.bin at raw offset 0xdfc000 len 0x00000a00 (end 0x00dfca00)

    <- Processing dae.bin ->
    reading .\xeBuild\data\dae.bin (0xad30 bytes)
    dae appears encrypted, attempting to decrypt with CPU key...failed! Attempting to decrypt with alternate key...
    adding as dae.bin at raw offset 0xe00000 len 0x0000ad30 (end 0x00e0ad30)

    <- Processing extended.bin ->
    reading .\xeBuild\data\extended.bin (0x4000 bytes)
    adding as extended.bin at raw offset 0xe0c000 len 0x00004000 (end 0x00e10000)

    <- Processing fcrt.bin ->
    fcrt.bin not found and not required by keyvault, skipped

    <- Processing secdata.bin ->
    reading .\xeBuild\data\secdata.bin (0x400 bytes)
    adding as secdata.bin at raw offset 0xe10000 len 0x00000400 (end 0x00e10400)

    ------ checking for Mobile*.dat ------
    MobileB.dat found, adding from nanddump.bin
    adding MobileB.dat as type 0x31 at raw offset 0xe14000 len 0x800 (end 0xe14800)
    MobileD.dat found, adding from nanddump.bin
    adding MobileD.dat as type 0x33 at raw offset 0xe18000 len 0x800 (end 0xe18800)
    MobileE.dat found, adding from nanddump.bin
    adding MobileE.dat as type 0x34 at raw offset 0xe1c000 len 0x600 (end 0xe1c600)
    Statistics.settings found, adding from nanddump.bin
    adding Statistics.settings at raw offset 0xf78000 len 0x1000 (end 0xf79000)

    ------ adding smc_config.bin ------
    adding smc config to offset 0x00f7c000, len 0x400

    ------ finalizing image ------
    Fixing up empty FS block entries...done!
    Writing FS table to image offset 0xe20000 len 0x4000 (end 0xe24000)...done!
    fixing up big block controller on small block NAND LBA numbers...done!
    calculating ECD bytes and assembling raw image...done!
    writing file 'C:\Documents and Settings\PC Toshiba\Desktop\174589194405\updflash.bin' to disk...done!
    C:\Documents and Settings\PC Toshiba\Desktop\174589194405\updflash.bin written OK

    C:\Documents and Settings\PC Toshiba\Desktop\174589194405\updflash.bin image built, info:
    Console : Jasper
    NAND size : 16MiB
    Build : Glitch
    Xell : power on console with console eject button
    Serial : 174589194405
    ConsoleId : 027537152147
    MoboSerial: 705985D200279445
    Mfg Date : 10/29/2009
    CPU Key : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    1BL Key : DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA
    DVD Key : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    CF LDV : 5
    KV type : type2 (hashed)
    xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da lillo055 Visualizza Messaggio
    una curiosita'...ma se la consolle dopo che ho caricato il file .ECC parte subito in XELL in soli 5 secondi significa che glicca oppure no? no bovrebbe fare uguale dopo aver caricato il file updflash.bin??? (praticamente il file immaggine creato da j runner)

    qualcuno che gentilmente potrebbe rispondermi......please!!!!!!!!
    Ultima modifica di lillo055; 28-01-13 alle 21: 00

  10. #10
    ConsoleOpen in Love! L'avatar di djsaso
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2011
    Reggio Calabria
    le saldature non vanno bene, troppo fredde. Prima cosa, metti la nand originale e dissalda i fili del coolrunner e vedi se parte tutto per bene. Se va allora puoi continuare la salita, se no è un problema...


  11. #11
    ConsoleOpen in Love! L'avatar di djsaso
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2011
    Reggio Calabria
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da lillo055 Visualizza Messaggio
    x the pusher provato il flash da USB niente nessun risultato.....

    adesso provo ad inviare alcune foto.. scusate la qualita'....
    che significa nessun risultato? tramite USB non installa il freboot?


  12. #12
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da djsaso Visualizza Messaggio
    che significa nessun risultato? tramite USB non installa il freboot?
    Si.. il freboot veniva installato ma lo stesso la consolle non partiva ...led verde di debug acceso regolarmente ma non andava sulla dashboard...

  13. #13
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    mi avete chiesto foto e log ....ma gli aiutini???? a quando???

  14. #14
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013

  15. #15
    Regular Member L'avatar di Trolololo
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2011

    jasper 16m dash 13599 con coolrunner rev C e J -R programmer.... DILEMMA!!!!!!!

    Controlla che l interruttore phat-slim stia su slim , dalla foto sembra su phat, poi togli il filo schermato e metti e uno normale in dotazione del coolrunner evitando di farlo passare vicino ai condensatori

    Inviato da mio MiLPhone usando Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    mettendo l'interruttore su slim la luce verde di debug non accende per niente (inutile precisare che la consolle è una phat) ho anche provato a sostituire il filo schermato ..ma .. nulla...

  17. #17
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    allora... rieccomi con nuovi sviluppi.. ho ricaricato il dump originale e la xbox è ripartita .. dissaldato e risaldato il cldp... e rifatta tutta la procedura con J runner.. tutti i passaggi finiti con Done... praticamente ok.. cerco di far partire .. nada.. non si accene nemmeno il debug del cldp.... allora metto la scheda madre dentro la sua sede collego le ventole, riprovo, magicamente funziona,, funziona anche XELL che partr all'istante mentre la dash parte dopo 10-30 secondi.. buono spengo e vado via .. al mio ritorno riaccendo e non butta + ho sostituito il filo del PLL e fixa quando gli viene comodo 1 su 15 volte ..
    Potreste indicarmi che fix devo fare per stabilizzare la consolle.. grazie...

  18. #18
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    vi prego un aiutino ... è da 3 ore sa faccio prove e riprove ho spostato , sostitiuto e riprovato sopstando i fili de RST e del PLL adesso va' meglio.. glicca dopo 10" ma quando carica la dash va a tratti e spesso si blocca quasi subito altre volte si blocca dopo 4 o 5 min mentre scorro nel menu' della dash.. se metto HD o una pennetta USB si blocca subito come se non ce la facesse a varicare i dati.. puho èssere un problema del freeboot o solo sono da sistemare i fili x il glich???? PLEASE un aiutino grazie..
    Ultima modifica di lillo055; 26-02-13 alle 22: 35

  19. #19
    Newser L'avatar di xboxbs
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2011
    ma dal coolrunner un filo che va a massa non c'è... o la foto lo nasconde veramente bene!
    più stagno sul reset (filo schermato)
    più stagno sul giallo (sotto la scheda madre)
    Ultima modifica di xboxbs; 26-02-13 alle 23: 39

  20. #20
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2011
    non far passare i fili sotto la xclamp a me ha dato problemi di freeze così

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