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Discussione: dashlaunch 2.2 non mi funziona il tasto centrale del controller

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012

    dashlaunch 2.2 non mi funziona il tasto centrale del controller

    ciao ragazzi...il bottone X (quello con il logo xbox) non funziona..quindi facendo partire un gioco dalla sezione xbox 360 games, se voglio tornre alla freestyle mi tocca o spegnere e riaccendere la xbox o premere il tasto eject del lettore..come faccio a farlo ripartire?? ho letto qui [url]http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/sezione-xbox-360-jtag-e-reset-glitch-hack/2074-dashlaunch-2-26-a.html[/url] ma non ho capito molto come faccio a arrivare alla schermata [QuickLaunchButtons]....Grazie mille

  2. #2
    Regular Member L'avatar di Barbutus
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    intanto aggiorna dashlaunch, con l'ultima versione 3.05, poi vediamo di configurare correttamente il tasto guida (centrale).

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    ma non sono capace non si riesce a farlo senza aggiornalo?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    mi potete dare una mano per favore?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    BUT_X = Hdd:\Freestyle\freestyledash.xex
    Default = Hdd:\Freestyle\freestyledash.xex


    ; if true, brining up miniblade in NXE and then pressing Y will cause launch.xex to relaunch for you
    ; note you must release Y button then press desired QuickLaunchButtons after or use default item
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    nxemini = true

    ; if true ping limit will be removed for system link play (thanks FBDev!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    pingpatch = true

    ; if true (most) xbla will no longer need yaris patching (thanks mojobojo!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    contpatch = true

    ; Normally when a fatal error occurs the xbox will just freeze, setting this to false will cause a reboot or powerdown
    ; setting to TRUE will also disable the unhandled exception filter which tries to intercept recoverable unhandled exceptions with exit to dash
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalfreeze = true

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (hard reboot), setting it to false will instead have the box shut down
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalreboot = true

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false and fatalreboot is set to true, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (soft reboot) the way it was intended to
    ; ONLY set this to true if using blackaddr's reboot fix for SMC, else on reboot you will get E71 and corrupted dash/video/etc settings
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    safereboot = false

    ; when set to true, it is possible to hold RB when launching a game to have the region that the game gets from xam spoofed
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    regionspoof = true

    ; when regionspoof is true, you set your region here in hex preceding the value with 0x, for examle devkit would be region = 0x7fff
    ; if not present but regionspoof is set to true, this is set to 0x7FFF
    region = 0x7FFF

    ; when set to false, ejecting a dvd video or game returns you to your default item, set to true to auto exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    dvdexitdash = true

    ; when set to false, using the exit item in an XBLA game returns you to your default item, set to true to exit to NXE arcade menu
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    xblaexitdash = true

    ; when set to true, using miniblades system setting options will not exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nosy***it = true

    ; when set to true, miniblades will not appear... ever (requested as child saftey measure)
    ; note that using this option overrides everything in dash launch that relies on miniblade exits to function
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nohud = true

    ; when set to false, xbox will be capable of finding system updaters
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    noupdater = true

    ; when set to true, dash launch will put all debug strings out to uart
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    debugout = true

    ; when set to false, dash launch will not attempt to handle last chance unhandled exceptions
    ; if set to false, exceptions will also not be dumped to the dumpfile
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    exchandler = true

    ; by default this only dumps to UART, setting a file here will cause unhandled exception info to be dumped
    ; as text to a file. Same path restraints as the quick launch buttons.
    ; if exchandler is set to false, this option does nothing.
    ; note that this uses the first drive of the class found, so if you use usb: and have more than one usb device
    ; it may wind up on any of the usb devices depending on which was enumerated first. The path for the file is only
    ; checked on boot, so the device must be present at power on and at crash time for this to be effective
    ; ie: dumpfile = Usb:\crashlog.txt
    dumpfile =

    ; this value sets the number of times that buttons are checked for on bootup, as well as how long it checks for buttons
    ; and thus extends the length of time the boot animation will be displayed onscreen
    ; 0x5A is approximately 6s window for button detection, 0x2A approximately 2s - if set too short auto profile login breaks
    ; if set too long other wonky things happen
    ; note this value is interpreted as hexidecimal when preceded with 0x, valid range is 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
    ; if not set this value will be put to 0x2A (42)
    bootdelay = 0x2A

    ; if set to true, this will block the console from resolving LIVE related dns
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    liveblock = true

    ; if liveblock is set to true, this will block the console from resolving all MS related dns
    ; setting this to TRUE will also block apps like freestyle from accessing things like cover images
    ; *** note that if NO INI is present for launch.xex, this is set to TRUE
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    livestrong = true

    ; when set to TRUE the X (guide) and power button on IR remotes will cause the xbox to boot to NXE instead of default item
    ; note that powering on with the windows/start button automatically goes to NXE's media center now regardless of how this is set
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    remotenxe = true

    ; when set to TRUE all USB drives will be polled at hddtimer intervals for the file "alive.txt" in their root
    ; if the file exists, it will be recreated and 16 random bytes written to it on each poll which should keep drives from spinning down
    hddalive = false

    ; in seconds, the interval between when USB devices will be polled for "alive.txt" file
    hddtimer = 210

    ; all comments and fields in this file are optional, you can remove anything you don't need - section headers []
    ; are required for any used options under the section

    ; sorry for any double negatives

    ; njoy, cOz
    plugin1 = Hdd:\swap.xex


  6. #6
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Devi riabilitare i miniblade da dashlaunch.Tutto qua

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    e come si fa?

  8. #8
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Filemanage---->dashlaunch----> installer-----> default.xex

    Rispondi No alla domanda di disabilitare il Miniblade

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    Ora va il tasto centrale però facendo partire un gioco dalla freestyle dash mi esce un messaggio aggiornamento necessario per procedere sono necessari aggiornamenti ai programmi e alla protezione. Gli aggiornamenti del sistema console verranno installati in modo da assicurare la protezione e il funzionamento corretto. Se rifiuti verrai riportato alla dashboard accetti? se faccio no torna alla dash e il gioco non mi parte se riprovo a farlo partire mi esce la stessa cosa se faccio si prova a installare l aggiornamento ma mi dice errore impossibile elaborare l aggiornamento codice di stato 397F 3CD6 1800 2446 C810 1004 ma cosa diavolo è questa roba???? aiuto please

  10. #10
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Aggiorna Freeboot seguendo qualsiasi guida trovi in rete. Stop

  11. #11
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    l ho fatto peccato che adesso quando accendo la console si accende ma non da segni di vita cioè la tele mi da nessun segnale boh...
    ho seguito questa guida [url]http://www.modifiche-xbox.consolmod.com/guide-alluso-del-jtag-coolrunner/nuova-guida-j-runner-jtag-coolrunner[/url] e sono arrivato alla fine ma adesso si accende ma non da segni di vita

  12. #12
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    neanche accendendola con il tasto eject da segni di vita schermo nero poi dice nessun segnale la tele, se la tenevo almeno andava ma senza il tasto X centrale

  13. #13
    Master member L'avatar di Mauroz
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Ferrara CUBA
    hai un.bachup della nand?in caso riflashalo con nand x o simili

    XBOX360 Slim Corona v 2 RGH HD 1 TB Hitachi Lite-on 1532 FSD 3 ITA FREEBOOT 16203 - DASHLAUNCH 3.07
    PS3 Slim CFW Rogero 4.30 v 2.05 Internal HD 1 TB Hitachi - - - 1 TB USB 3.0 Western Digital
    WII U - Work in progress WII - SoftMod FW 4.3 Waninkoko + HD 500 gb Western Digital
    PS2 Slim MOdbo 760 PS2 fat Matrix clone PSP fat CFW 5.50 prometheus 4
    NDS - R4i New Dual core White 3DSXL White - R4i New Dual core White
    PSVita CEF 6.60 TN C 2.02 --- XBOX - DuoX2 - - - Nintendo Gamecube

  14. #14
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    non va niente ma dite che si è fottuta?

  15. #15
    Master member L'avatar di Mauroz
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Ferrara CUBA
    Non va cosa?Hai un backup della nand?

    XBOX360 Slim Corona v 2 RGH HD 1 TB Hitachi Lite-on 1532 FSD 3 ITA FREEBOOT 16203 - DASHLAUNCH 3.07
    PS3 Slim CFW Rogero 4.30 v 2.05 Internal HD 1 TB Hitachi - - - 1 TB USB 3.0 Western Digital
    WII U - Work in progress WII - SoftMod FW 4.3 Waninkoko + HD 500 gb Western Digital
    PS2 Slim MOdbo 760 PS2 fat Matrix clone PSP fat CFW 5.50 prometheus 4
    NDS - R4i New Dual core White 3DSXL White - R4i New Dual core White
    PSVita CEF 6.60 TN C 2.02 --- XBOX - DuoX2 - - - Nintendo Gamecube

  16. #16
    Dolo-miticusss L'avatar di Babilozzo
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Marmolada, Dolomiti
    Ho bella! e come si fà a saperlo se non scrivi esattamente quello che hai fatto? Boh!

  17. #17
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    Ho scritto cosa ho fatto ho provato ad aggiornare Freeboot con questa guida [url=http://www.modifiche-xbox.consolmod.com/guide-alluso-del-jtag-coolrunner/nuova-guida-j-runner-jtag-coolrunner]Guida rapida aggiornamento Dashboard JTAG & JTAG CoolRunner | *** Luigi Marconi ***[/url] ma adesso quando accendo la console mi da lo schermo nero mi dice nessun segnale la tele!

  18. #18
    Master member L'avatar di Mauroz
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Ferrara CUBA
    ti abbiamo chiesto se hai un dump buono della nand e prova a riscriverlo

    XBOX360 Slim Corona v 2 RGH HD 1 TB Hitachi Lite-on 1532 FSD 3 ITA FREEBOOT 16203 - DASHLAUNCH 3.07
    PS3 Slim CFW Rogero 4.30 v 2.05 Internal HD 1 TB Hitachi - - - 1 TB USB 3.0 Western Digital
    WII U - Work in progress WII - SoftMod FW 4.3 Waninkoko + HD 500 gb Western Digital
    PS2 Slim MOdbo 760 PS2 fat Matrix clone PSP fat CFW 5.50 prometheus 4
    NDS - R4i New Dual core White 3DSXL White - R4i New Dual core White
    PSVita CEF 6.60 TN C 2.02 --- XBOX - DuoX2 - - - Nintendo Gamecube

  19. #19
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
    si ce l ho devo ripetere lo stesso procendimento?

  20. #20
    Master member L'avatar di Mauroz
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Ferrara CUBA
    esatto, se prima andava e il dump è buono deve funzionare, ameno che tu non abbia fatto qualcos' altro che ti sfugge

    XBOX360 Slim Corona v 2 RGH HD 1 TB Hitachi Lite-on 1532 FSD 3 ITA FREEBOOT 16203 - DASHLAUNCH 3.07
    PS3 Slim CFW Rogero 4.30 v 2.05 Internal HD 1 TB Hitachi - - - 1 TB USB 3.0 Western Digital
    WII U - Work in progress WII - SoftMod FW 4.3 Waninkoko + HD 500 gb Western Digital
    PS2 Slim MOdbo 760 PS2 fat Matrix clone PSP fat CFW 5.50 prometheus 4
    NDS - R4i New Dual core White 3DSXL White - R4i New Dual core White
    PSVita CEF 6.60 TN C 2.02 --- XBOX - DuoX2 - - - Nintendo Gamecube

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