Xebuild 1.05 final rilasciato.
Supporto per la creazione di Freboot kernel 16197
Ecco il ChangeLog
Vi ricordo che la GUI ufficiale di Xebuild sviluppata da Swizzy, la trovate [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/news-xbox-360-e-xbox-360-slim/7170-tool-aggiornati-per-corona-v2-4gb.html"]QUI[/URL]- tidy ini_creator output a little
- colons were not being removed from macid string in ini file, fixed
- added corona4g build target and dump parsing, nanddump.bin should be minimum 0×3000000 bytes from corona mmc machines (no spare data)
- Xstress.settings will now be kept along with other mobile data
- added flash header sanity checks
- adjust dump loader to allow for 64bit file sizes
- build process will no longer complete a retail image if smc is patched or a jtag image if smc is unpatched. Apparently a big fat error warning isn’t enough.
- added some older retail.ini, added new switch to allow selecting specific bl configs (if making images with patches, the switch is appended to patch names as well)
- add 16197
Download: [URL="http://www.logic-sunrise.com/forums/files/file/4759-xebuild/"]CLICCA[/URL]