- Added: Full support for Corona v2 (4GB Corona)
- Added: Auto Detect which mode to run in (it’ll autodetect if you are running on a MMC type of machine or a RAW type [MMC type = Corona 4GB/V2, RAW = any other older machine])
- Added: Safe-Flash (Read to recovery.bin then write)
- Added: Autoshutdown after flash (it’ll tell you it’s shutting down then count down starting at 5 seconds…)
- Added: It’ll turn off your wireless controllers during flash to keep you safe (if you reconnect them they’ll be shut off again while it’s working)
- Fixed: If you accidently hit eject the app now stays running!

- Fixed: You no longer see the options to write if you don’t have a updflash.bin next to the app…
- Fixed: Lot’s of code cleanup, making it look nicer and easier to follow/understand

- Added: It’ll now also check for Spare data before writing, again it’s a safety measure, if it finds spare data while in MMC mode it’ll warn you about it and give you the option to exit… and of course the other way around for raw mode…
- Added: The above check for spare also checks for the « Magic bytes » (your Xbox 360 image should start with 0xFF4F, i’ve never seen an image that differ from this, and thus it’s an easy way for me to check that the file you give the app really is a nand…)
- Fixed: The app will now clear the line of output before it starts overwriting, this means that you’ll no longer see leftover output on screen from previous output

(mostly for error messages during progress output)
- Changed: The app now use a different font (it used Arial before, now it uses verdana)
** WARNING!! If you don’t let the app exit after flashing a corona v2 you will most likely end up with a machine that no longer boots untill you reflash it using a computer!! You’ve been warned… **
** Altought this version adds multipile security checks before it starts writing an image to your nand it can still be very dangerous… if you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do it!
