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Discussione: [TOPIC UFFICIALE] RGH Timer 1.4 by Swizzy & Stryp

  1. #61
    Drunken Beast L'avatar di Di4b0liK
    Data Registrazione
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Swizzy Visualizza Messaggio
    They were added also XD, thanks

    how would you write "Glitch Cycle" ?
    We say "Cicli di Glitch"
    Swizzy likes this.

  2. #62
    Regular Member L'avatar di jackysupremacy
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    Jan 2012
    @sw i mean that u have killed my pc??? I don't know how but it doesn't work :S.

  3. #63
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da jackysupremacy Visualizza Messaggio
    @sw i mean that u have killed my pc??? I don't know how but it doesn't work :S.
    Oooooops, was it your computer i formatted the C drive on and overclocked the CPU beyond the maximum officially supported speed? my bad...
    Ultima modifica di Swizzy; 18-07-13 alle 19: 08

  4. #64
    Regular Member L'avatar di jackysupremacy
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    Jan 2012
    hmm......ok, np .

  5. #65
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    v1.2 is now out and about:

    [url=http://www.homebrew-connection.org/rgh-timer-v1-1-released/]Homebrew Connection » RGH Timer v1.1 Released *UPDATE: v1.2*[/url]

    Direct file download: [url]http://www.homebrew-connection.org/files/xbox/Tools/dl_RGH_Timer_v1.2.rar[/url]

  6. #66
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Swizzy Visualizza Messaggio
    v1.2 is now out and about:

    [url=http://www.homebrew-connection.org/rgh-timer-v1-1-released/]Homebrew Connection » RGH Timer v1.1 Released *UPDATE: v1.2*[/url]

    Direct file download: [url]http://www.homebrew-connection.org/files/xbox/Tools/dl_RGH_Timer_v1.2.rar[/url]
    many thanks swizzy!!!

    if someone want see this is the changelog
    – Initial Version, very basic (internal release)
    – Some fixes and additions:
    – Added: Multilanguage support
    – Added: Italian translation by Stryp @ [url=http://www.consoleopen.com]Tutorial e guide per la modifica delle vostre console sony ps3 psp xbox360 e nintendo wii | ConsoleOpen[/url] Thanks!
    – Added: Average display/count
    – Added: Numbering for each boot
    – Some fixes and additions:
    – Added: French translation by Pass_Code @ [url]www.logic-sunrise.com[/url] Thanks!
    – Added: Swedish translation by Swizzy
    – Added: Portuguese translation by Edson Dario & Niceshot Thanks!
    – Added: German translation by Doc_Gonzo Thanks!
    – Updated: Italian translation by multipile ppl over @ [url=http://www.consoleopen.com]Tutorial e guide per la modifica delle vostre console sony ps3 psp xbox360 e nintendo wii | ConsoleOpen[/url] Many thanks to all of you!
    – Added: Hit space on your keyboard when the form is active and you’ll start/stop the timer
    This can be disabled by launching the app with the switch « -nocatchspace »
    – Added: Cycles calculation
    – Fixed: Some translation stuff (missing translations, and not replacing certain words that were in the translation files)
    – Added: When switching language the entire log will now be re-written in the chosen language
    – Added: Translation Utility included to aid in creating new translations
    – Added: Autoscrolling the log
    This can be disabled by launching the app with the switch « -noscroll »
    – Added: Formatting options per translation NOTE: DO NOT ADD any {#}’s with higher number then is already there (it’ll cause a crash)
    For more information on formatting methods check these links (keep in mind that it should look like this: « {#:format} » where
    # is the number of the variable to put there):

    [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dwhawy9k.aspx]Standard Numeric Format Strings[/url]

    [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0c899ak8.aspx]Custom Numeric Format Strings[/url]

    – Added: Countdown timer when pressing stop (it’ll count down from 20 seconds, giving you something to use for knowing when to start the console next)
    This can be disabled by launching the app with the switch « -nocountdown »
    – Fixed: Moved the en-US.xml extraction to %appdata%\Swizzy\RGHTimer\
    – Added: You can change various « behind the scenes » settings now…
    To access this feature you press Ctrl + F12
    Whatever settings you set here will be autoloaded next time you run the app (switches override these settings)
    – Added: Slowest/Fastest boot time with Glitch Cycle…

  7. #67
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2011
    *doppio post errato
    Ultima modifica di Netkar; 18-07-13 alle 22: 30

  8. #68
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
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    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    I've tested your program. Sorry, but there's an error.
    When I click 'Average' button, the program show the average timing of rgh boot and best and worst time of boot (fastest and slowest).
    Fastest and Slowest aren't correct.
    They show last session of time (last time from click start button and stop buttom) of RGH-boot and not best & worst time of even.

    [TOPIC UFFICIALE] RGH Timer 1.4 by Swizzy & Stryp-xxx.png

    as you can see, fastest should be 5 sec, and slowest should be 20 sec, but they are 15 sec (last time of rgh boot)
    I hope you have undestand the problem, sorry but my english is terrible
    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 18-07-13 alle 23: 57

  9. #69
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Swizzy, you must insert inside a message that say: " i love The Pusher" great work, like even my friend

  10. #70
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    mi sa che Swizzy ha fatto la media algebrica da grande coder, scartando il risultato migliore ed il peggiore

  11. #71
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da alexpierotti Visualizza Messaggio
    I've tested your program. Sorry, but there's an error.
    When I click 'Average' button, the program show the average timing of rgh boot and best and worst time of boot (fastest and slowest).
    Fastest and Slowest aren't correct.
    They show last session of time (last time from click start button and stop buttom) of RGH-boot and not best & worst time of even.

    Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: xxx.PNG 
Visualizzazioni: 191 
Dimensione: 29.0 KB 
ID: 11923

    as you can see, fastest should be 5 sec, and slowest should be 20 sec, but they are 15 sec (last time of rgh boot)
    I hope you have undestand the problem, sorry but my english is terrible
    i thougt i had checked that, but apparently not... i guess my brain was a bit to tired last night (my room had been 30+ all day)

    i'll publish a new version a little later today when i've checked everything to be working a-ok, there are some errors in the translations also :P
    alexpierotti likes this.

  12. #72
    Junior Member L'avatar di AxelKnight
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    Mo state facendo gli sboroni, ok ?

  13. #73
    Regular Member L'avatar di feddy75
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    Aug 2011
    Ragazzi grazie di tutto, ma ho riscontrato un errore.
    Praticamente ho notato che quando premo fine, il contatore continua a girare e non ritorna a zero.
    Provato anche con il tasto space, stesso risultato.
    Ovviamente parlo della versione 1.2

  14. #74
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da feddy75 Visualizza Messaggio
    Ragazzi grazie di tutto, ma ho riscontrato un errore.
    Praticamente ho notato che quando premo fine, il contatore continua a girare e non ritorna a zero.
    Provato anche con il tasto space, stesso risultato.
    Ovviamente parlo della versione 1.2
    Me too....

  15. #75
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    Does really nobody look at the numbers? does nobody read the changelog?!

    – Added: Countdown timer when pressing stop (it’ll count down from 20 seconds, giving you something to use for knowing when to start the console next)
    This can be disabled by launching the app with the switch « -nocountdown »
    pocoyo2 and alexpierotti like this.

  16. #76
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Sorry man, it's my fault. So many things to do...

  17. #77
    Regular Member L'avatar di feddy75
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    Aug 2011
    Sorry thx Swizzy

  18. #78
    Regular Member
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    Oct 2011
    propongo di aggiungere un campo "note" da inserire nel log, nel caso si voglia tenere traccia del chip utilizzato oppure della lunghezza del reset etc...

    I propose to add a "note" field to be included in the log, if you want to keep track of the chip being used, or the length of the reset, etc...
    Stryp likes this.

  19. #79
    RGH TIMER 1.3 disponibile !

    Maggiori informazioni nel primo post.

  20. #80
    Regular Member
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    Oct 2011
    la sorpresa esce premendo F1
    ma slowest e fastest mi escono al contrario

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