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Discussione: System update 4.11

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    System update 4.11

    E' già uscito un update minore che però sembra diventato obbligatorio per l'accesso al psn, nonostante non sembrasse inizialmente
    Non c'è changelog

    Later tonight we’ll be releasing an optional system software update (v4.11) for PlayStation 3. This minor firmware improves certain aspects of system software, and is not mandatory to connect to PSN.
    Again, this update is optional in the US and Canada, and can be downloaded by selecting System Update from the Setting column of the XMB.
    Interessante analisi:
    It’s interesting how PlayStation 3 users outside of the United States get left in the dark sometimes, which has been shown perfectly with PS3 update 4.11 that seems to differ in firmware necessity by country. It was made very clear that this update would be optional in the US although UK users were not told either way.

    Yesterday the US PS blog explained to their readers that there would be a PS3 software update v4.11 in the coming hours, which has now hit systems across Europe and the US. The firmware improved undisclosed parts of the PS3 software, and is said to be “not mandatory” when wanting to connect to online gaming and PSN.

    PS3 update 4.11: Differentiating firmware by country

    Now comes the surprise – after UK users saw this update on the US blog they were surprised to see a message on their PS3 stating a compulsory update, which it’s worth pointing out that the EU blog has no updates about PS3 firmware, so what’s the big deal? We contacted both blogs to find out the difference between the updates in the US and outside of the US, although we’re yet to receive a response.

    Obligatory PS3 updates are not a big deal but some things are – it’s not really a big deal if we have to update the firmware or not, unless you’ve had problems with previous firmware updates, but this minor update has brought many issues to the table that users want fixed.

    When an update hits the PS3 and does some minor changes you can always expect gamers to explain what it should have fixed, and these problems include some classic improvements wanted for many months and also some new issues that have been caused by new games and software.

    The range of issues/improvements wanted by users include overhauling the sounds on the PSN store, viewing of Vita trophies, performance issues with PS3 Wireless Headset, a complete update of the Cross media bar, and many more. Feel free to share your wish list.

    Now you know why some people are stating the PS3 4.11 update is optional and other gamers say it’s mandatory, although we’d love to know if this minor firmware downloaded smoothly for you or did you have issues? Feel free to hit the comments with improvements you want on future firmware updates.

    Do you think Sony need to give more details on what each PS3 firmware update does? It’s also worth pointing out that because the update is compulsory in Europe it’s likely the new firmware is to fix EU products. We also noticed this firmware completely overwrites, which normally skips 60-100% while installing.
    [URL="http://deu01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/eu/2012_0216_7e6dbb1708ab1df66f0a0f0e2987e8f4/PS3UPDAT.PUP"]download versione europea[/URL]
    Ultima modifica di guerrierodipace; 17-02-12 alle 00: 31
    viktor likes this.


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