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Discussione: Cobra USB sarà compatibile anche con il firmware 3.55

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    Regular Member L'avatar di 3ntropY
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    Cobra USB sara' compatibile anche con il firmware 3.55

    Il team Cobra, che sta dietro al progetto Cobra USB, nuovo dongle per il jailbreak della PS3, annuncia che a breve sarà rilasciato un nuovo firmware pack per rendere la chiavetta perfettamente compatibile con il firmware 3.55. Non resta che attendere, ovviamente su Console Open, per le date di rilascio ufficiali.

    Di seguito il comunicato del team:

    We’re pleased to announce that development work is drawing to a close for our Cobra USB 3.55 solution. As previously announced, the new firmware pack will allow users running 3.55 cfw’s to install a new firmware console and dongle side which will enable use of the Cobra USB functionality, as well as allowing users to retain standard 3.55 cfw functionality. Owing to testing and security implementation, the development cycle lasted a little longer than expected, but we are on track to release the new firmware pack sometime next week. Enjoy the new release and look forward to the next, there’s plenty more features and surprises on the way from the Cobra team.......
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    Ultima modifica di 3ntropY; 15-07-11 alle 16: 43


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