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Discussione: [RISOLTOOO]help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

  1. #81
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Ci son delle scritte che stanno girando in loop da un po'... Posso spegnere ??


  2. #82
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Si puoi spegnere.. E' xell che fa un check..

    Ti serve solo la cpukey e verrà creata in automatico sul tuo pc una cartella contenente vita morte e miracoli della console in questione.

  3. #83
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Ok grazie .. La cpu key l'ho scritta a mano in autogg. Me l'ha salvata in auto !!


  4. #84
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Ora creo e scrivo freeboot.. Vedo un po' la guida.. Se c'è qualcosa chiedo qui !!


  5. #85
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Scusa scusa scusa... non ho capito ma quindi il tuo andreagtr di fiducia ti ha sbrogliato la situazione o sbaglio???

    A parte il fissaggio del chip mi sembra che sono andato bene no?? (mi compiaccio da solo perdonatemi..)
    A che punto sei caro??

    PS Tra poco esce il mio libro...
    83nino83 likes this.

  6. #86
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Ebbene si mi hai risolto il problema.. Ho rifatto tutte le saldature , letto Nand creato e flash xell
    Ho recuperato cpu e DVD key.. Con la DVD key che ci posso fare ??


  7. #87
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Son arrivato al punto che ho inserito in autogg la key .. Me l'ha salvata in automatico.. Dovrei creare la freeboot


  8. #88
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da andreagtr Visualizza Messaggio
    Scusa scusa scusa... non ho capito ma quindi il tuo andreagtr di fiducia ti ha sbrogliato la situazione o sbaglio???

    A parte il fissaggio del chip mi sembra che sono andato bene no?? (mi compiaccio da solo perdonatemi..)
    A che punto sei caro??

    PS Tra poco esce il mio libro...
    ho fatto crea ... in Xbuild
    che roba è questa?? Iniettando... Verifica file.
    Questa opzione verrà usata per creare l'immagine:

    -o patchsmc -noenter -t Glitch -c Trinity -d ..\nand -f 16537 -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA -p 2F37CAC8419EAA4DE74D545661FDA7AC ..\output\nandflash.bin -v

    xeBuild v1.09.639
    ---- { Image Build Mode } ----
    building glitch image

    verbose set to level 1

    ------ parsing user ini at '..\nand\options.ini' ------

    ******* WARNING: could not open user ini at '..\nand\options.ini', skipping
    default console DVD eject button is being used to start xell

    ------ parsing ini at '16537\_glitch.ini' ------
    ini version 16537

    ini: label [trinitybl] found
    found (1) 'cba_9188.bin' crc: 0x5a76752d
    found (2) 'cbb_9188.bin' crc: 0xfebb1074
    found (3) 'cd_9452.bin' crc: 0x455fa02c
    found (4) 'ce_1888.bin' crc: 0xff9b60df
    found (5) 'cf_16537.bin' crc: 0xd2f70347
    found (6) 'cg_16537.bin' crc: 0xcf8a8c3c
    ini dictates dual CB for this model

    ini: label [flashfs] found
    found (1) 'aac.xexp' crc: 0x340f017f
    found (2) 'bootanim.xex' crc: 0x1a64dd1c
    found (3) 'createprofile.xex' crc: 0xbb5dfa34
    found (4) 'dash.xex' crc: 0x40671195
    found (5) 'deviceselector.xex' crc: 0xf80b066f
    found (6) 'gamerprofile.xex' crc: 0xb55d0d4f
    found (7) 'hud.xex' crc: 0xd1e27e82
    found (8) 'huduiskin.xex' crc: 0x98c75ba1
    found (9) 'mfgbootlauncher.xex' crc: 0x773ee67d
    found (10) 'minimediaplayer.xex' crc: 0x0411007d
    found (11) 'nomni.xexp' crc: 0x323c6e47
    found (12) 'nomnifwk.xexp' crc: 0xbe5a4208
    found (13) 'nomnifwm.xexp' crc: 0xc9c3f0e0
    found (14) 'SegoeXbox-Light.xtt' crc: 0xe0ee6049
    found (15) 'signin.xex' crc: 0x4dd243b2
    found (16) 'updater.xex' crc: 0xe93cef2e
    found (17) 'vk.xex' crc: 0xac383a80
    found (18) 'xam.xex' crc: 0x18496d9a
    found (19) 'xenonclatin.xtt' crc: 0xd5d17ff5
    found (20) 'xenonclatin.xttp' crc: 0x7a507ad1
    found (21) 'xenonjklatin.xtt' crc: 0xdde4a14c
    found (22) 'xenonjklatin.xttp' crc: 0xe2adddfb
    found (23) 'ximecore.xex' crc: 0xc558548c
    found (24) 'ximedic.xex' crc: 0x1d992bfb
    found (25) 'ximedic.xexp' crc: 0x4da51d92
    found (26) '..\launch.xex' crc: 0x00000000
    found (27) '..\lhelper.xex' crc: 0x00000000
    found (28) '..\launch.ini' crc: 0x00000000

    ini: label [security] found
    found (1) 'crl.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (2) 'dae.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (3) 'extended.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (4) 'fcrt.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    found (5) 'secdata.bin' crc: 0x00000000
    ------ ini parsing completed ------

    output name overridden to: ..\output\nandflash.bin

    1BL RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed
    PIRS RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed
    MASTER RSA pub key file is not available, signature checks will not be performed

    ------ Checking ..\nand\nanddump.bin ------
    ..\nand\nanddump.bin file size: 0x1080000
    nanddump header checks passed OK!
    Loading NAND dump (0x1080000 bytes)...done!
    Detecting NAND controller type from dump data...
    NAND dump is from a small block machine
    NAND dump uses small block controller
    parsing dump into user and spare...
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x50 (raw offset 0x14a000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x51 (raw offset 0x14e200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x52 (raw offset 0x152400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x53 (raw offset 0x156600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x54 (raw offset 0x15a800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x55 (raw offset 0x15ea00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x56 (raw offset 0x162c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x57 (raw offset 0x166e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x58 (raw offset 0x16b000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x59 (raw offset 0x16f200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5a (raw offset 0x173400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5b (raw offset 0x177600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5c (raw offset 0x17b800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5d (raw offset 0x17fa00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5e (raw offset 0x183c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x5f (raw offset 0x187e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x60 (raw offset 0x18c000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x61 (raw offset 0x190200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x62 (raw offset 0x194400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x63 (raw offset 0x198600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x64 (raw offset 0x19c800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x65 (raw offset 0x1a0a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x66 (raw offset 0x1a4c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x67 (raw offset 0x1a8e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x68 (raw offset 0x1ad000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x69 (raw offset 0x1b1200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6a (raw offset 0x1b5400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6b (raw offset 0x1b9600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6c (raw offset 0x1bd800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6d (raw offset 0x1c1a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6e (raw offset 0x1c5c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x6f (raw offset 0x1c9e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x70 (raw offset 0x1ce000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x71 (raw offset 0x1d2200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x72 (raw offset 0x1d6400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x73 (raw offset 0x1da600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x74 (raw offset 0x1de800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x75 (raw offset 0x1e2a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x76 (raw offset 0x1e6c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x77 (raw offset 0x1eae00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x78 (raw offset 0x1ef000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x79 (raw offset 0x1f3200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7a (raw offset 0x1f7400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7b (raw offset 0x1fb600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7c (raw offset 0x1ff800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7d (raw offset 0x203a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7e (raw offset 0x207c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x7f (raw offset 0x20be00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x80 (raw offset 0x210000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x81 (raw offset 0x214200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x82 (raw offset 0x218400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x83 (raw offset 0x21c600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x84 (raw offset 0x220800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x85 (raw offset 0x224a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x86 (raw offset 0x228c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x87 (raw offset 0x22ce00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x88 (raw offset 0x231000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x89 (raw offset 0x235200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8a (raw offset 0x239400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8b (raw offset 0x23d600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8c (raw offset 0x241800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8d (raw offset 0x245a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8e (raw offset 0x249c00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x8f (raw offset 0x24de00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x90 (raw offset 0x252000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x91 (raw offset 0x256200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x92 (raw offset 0x25a400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x93 (raw offset 0x25e600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x94 (raw offset 0x262800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x95 (raw offset 0x266a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x96 (raw offset 0x26ac00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x97 (raw offset 0x26ee00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x98 (raw offset 0x273000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x99 (raw offset 0x277200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9a (raw offset 0x27b400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9b (raw offset 0x27f600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9c (raw offset 0x283800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9d (raw offset 0x287a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9e (raw offset 0x28bc00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0x9f (raw offset 0x28fe00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa0 (raw offset 0x294000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa1 (raw offset 0x298200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa2 (raw offset 0x29c400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa3 (raw offset 0x2a0600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa4 (raw offset 0x2a4800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa5 (raw offset 0x2a8a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa6 (raw offset 0x2acc00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa7 (raw offset 0x2b0e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa8 (raw offset 0x2b5000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xa9 (raw offset 0x2b9200), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xaa (raw offset 0x2bd400), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xab (raw offset 0x2c1600), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xac (raw offset 0x2c5800), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xad (raw offset 0x2c9a00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xae (raw offset 0x2cdc00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xaf (raw offset 0x2d1e00), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a mixed controller LBA at block 0xb0 (raw offset 0x2d6000), block ignored
    this is likely caused by previously using jaspersb on a jasper type console!
    ***** WAR
    Nand generata

  9. #89
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Casomai la CPU key..
    LA metti nel riquadro di AutoGG, gli fai creare il freeboot e lo flashi nella console!!

  10. #90
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Cosa son tutti sti block ? È normale ?? Ho solo fatto Crea ... Per ora


  11. #91
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Onesto? Bho!!
    Può dipendere dalla tua vecchia nand fallata, prova a crearla con la cpu key, è flasha, vedi se va!
    Ma è una jasper??

  12. #92
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    No , trinity (slim 250gb). Se non parte subito , inizio ad accorciare il filo rst o attivo un altra resistenza ?


  13. #93
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Fai tentativi lunghi anche da 3 minuti, in caso usa un RST corto all'inizio, fai almeno 4/5 prove per setup

  14. #94
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Guarda se hai un dump valido e la cpu key qualunque cosa accada (o quasi) sei al sicuro.

    E' semplice. Puoi usare pure autogg e rawflash.

    Carichi il dump e ci incolli la cpukey, dopo di che crea xebuild e rawflash per flashare con penna usb attaccata alla console quando partirà xell.

  15. #95
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Porca putt... Mi è saltato il punto rst nella mb.. C'è un punto alternativo ??


  16. #96
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Una volta mi va bene è la volta dopo mi accade la sfiga... Uff
    Ho ripristinato la pista .. Spero
    Ora mi manca un punto alternativo.. Sapete se esiste ??


  17. #97
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Sotto, lo stesso!!

  18. #98
    Regular Member
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da 83nino83 Visualizza Messaggio
    Una volta mi va bene è la volta dopo mi accade la sfiga... Uff
    Ho ripristinato la pista .. Spero
    Ora mi manca un punto alternativo.. Sapete se esiste ??

    vedi qui

  19. #99
    Regular Member L'avatar di 83nino83
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013

    help... mi son bloccato, lettura nand strana

    Andrea. ... Cioè ??


  20. #100
    God L'avatar di Titty
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Posso darti un suggerimento? Mandala a un modder... siamo a 99 risposte e ancora la console non va... bisogna anche saper accettare i propri limiti...
    chojin, gianni87 and AtTiLa` like this.
    Non si da supporto privato, i vostri dubbi vanno risolti sul forum tramite un post... così tutta la Comunity cresce con voi

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