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Discussione: Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

  1. #1
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Salve a tutti oggi ho effettuato il montaggio del cobra ode sulla mia ps3 25xx slim,fatto le saldature a filo dato che la qsb non entra. rimontato il tutto faccio partire la modalitā emulazione metto i file come da guida dentro una chiavetta lucetta verde fissa,faccio partire la ps3 infilo un blueray compatibile e mi appare l immagine del cobra ode ,lo faccio partire ed č tutto ok. Vado per provare la modalitā pass-trought switchando sulla piastra dietro la play,ma la console parte e non fa vedere il blueray inserito. Come mai? Dove sbaglio? Il cobra ode non č stato aggiornato all ultima versione e la ps3 se non mi sbaglio č al 4.50. Potrebbero essere le saldature?

    Grazie un saluto a tutto il forum

  2. #2
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Le saldature no altrimenti non ti andava nemmeno la Emu mode. Prova ad aggiornare bootloader e mcu.

    Inviato dal mio GT-I8150 utilizzando Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Ok provo e vi faccio sapere

  4. #4
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Allora ho aggiornato mcu e bootloader e aggiornato la ps3 ma niente.quello che faccio č questo:spengo la ps3 sposto da emu a pass-trought e accendo la play con disco inserito .ce qualcosa che sbaglio nel far partire un gioco da blueray?


  5. #5
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Risolto una saldatura era saltata.


  6. #6
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Con una saldatura saltata ti andava in emu mode?

    Inviato dal mio GT-I8150 utilizzando Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Ciao zeruel, ecco la risposta del team cobra ode:

    PS3 setup: Please connect all cables as identified in PDF and plug all
    required wires "video", "POWER CABLE" etc. Soon as your console is
    connected (If your model offer back power switch then turn this one ON)
    you should get "RED LED" from the external Cobra ODE board due to the fact
    that nothing is connected to USB for now.

    From now position the deep switch to the "Pass Trough" mode and try your
    normal disc operation.(Please unsure that your DISC is one of the
    compatible BOOT DISC require as mentioned in our PDF.) If all goes well
    with normal original disc, while you are in PT mode we suggest to upgrade
    your PS3 firmware to (4.50) the latest version supported by Cobra-ODE for
    best compatibility with all games. (Use "PS3 USB port" with memory stick.)

    Close your PS3, switch to "EMULATION" mode and check if you can see the
    Cobra manager ICON with error message about the HDD if yes then continue
    with "USB setup" bellow. Otherwise please verify your installation before
    going any further something must be wrong with your cable (and/or
    soldering for specific model).Please ensure that your RED & BLACK split
    cable replacement are connected in the proper side as identified for your

    USB setup: Make sure that your "ENCLOSURE" is freshly formated and
    properly set. Create "COBRA" folder and put only manager.iso and cobra.db
    files inside. Create PS3_GAMES folder and don't put any ISO for now. Plug
    your USB enclosure to the EXTERNAL Cobra ODE board USB2 connector and
    power on your enclosure. At this time you should see after short moment
    the RED LED Should turn GREEN.

    If you can't get the LED to turn GREEN then we suggest to try with another
    ENCLOSURE and ensure that this one have external power supply or try with
    different USB key and repeat the USB setup until you get GREEN LED.

    Currently our compatibility with USB HDD enclosure is not 100%. Our
    engineers are working hard to increase the compatibility, if you
    experience such kind of issue:

    * USB HDD detection
    * Cobra-ODE update process
    * Lagging video
    * USB HDD fall in sleep mode (That may cause you game to crash or freeze)

    HDD over 2TB need to be formated in GPT mode (GUI PARTITION TABLE) it may
    work to some extend but for a better compatibility support we suggest to
    try with external HDD enclosure with 2TB OR LESS formated in "FAT32" and
    preferably enclosure with his own external power supply that is always
    better and require less power from your PS3.

    NOTE: If you are not able to format from windows you can try to use
    freeware tool such as "FAT32Format", "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool" or
    "swissknife" that can be find easily via Google.




    Q: When I connect the power, the PS3's LED turns off
    A: If on a SATA model, make sure you used the right side cables between
    the motherboard and the ODE and the ODE and the drive. Also make sure you
    connected the power cable in the right direction for the ODE. If an HDD is
    inserted, try using the USB Y Cable. Also make sure the ODE is properly
    isolated using the double sided sticker.

    Q: PT works, but not EMU:
    A: You used the wrong cable, for PATA, invert the two cables, for the QSB,
    use the opposite-side cable between the QSB and the ODE.

    Q: EMU works, but not PT:
    A: You are probably using the QSB and one of the pins on the QSB was not
    soldered correctly.

    Q: When I insert the HDD, the PS3 shuts down:
    A: The HDD uses too much power, use the USB Y Cable to provide it with
    additional power.

    Q: I use the USB Y cable but the PS3 still shuts down when I insert the HDD:
    A: Alternatively, you can connect a mini-usb cable to the mini-usb port on
    the clip-on PCB and use a
    wall charger to power the board.

    Q: There is no disc icon when I boot the PS3:
    A: Your cables are not connected correctly, or you used the wrong type of
    cable, or the QSB was not soldered properly.

    Q: I get error 8001003E when I try to run a game :
    A: You generated the iso with an old version of genps3iso tool. Download
    the latest version from [url]www.cobra-ode.com[/url] and regenerate your iso file.

    Q: When I run the game, it shows error 80010007 or returns to the XMB
    A: You generated your iso using a modified rip. DUPLEX releases will
    modify the EBOOT.BIN which makes them invalid, there will usually be a
    BOOT.BIN.ORIG file in the rip, simply replace the EBOOT.BIN with the
    original file and regenerate your iso.

    If you can't get any USB device to work and the Cobra-ODE external board
    never show the "GREEN LED" or there is "NO LED ACTIVITY AT ALL" then you
    may have a defective unit. Any request concerning "defective unit",
    "missing or needed part", "Delivery" or any other related request, you
    must contact your retailer or distributor directly.

    Best Regards - Cobra ODE Technical Support

    On Wed, October 30, 2013 8:28 pm, Roberto Desii wrote:
    I have a problem with the cobra ODE.
    I have buy this cobra ode with the store Amigostore.

    Let me explain my problem:
    I installed my cobra ODE on my ps3 slim, I did start the emu mode and
    everything works perfectly, I have ODE to date.(OK)

    Instead, the pass-trought mode does not work. I turn off the ps3, I put
    pass-trought mode I start the play, insert a game, but the image does not
    appear in the game dashboard.

    How can I solve this problem?

    zeruel85 likes this.

  8. #8
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da robbe88 Visualizza Messaggio
    Risolto una saldatura era saltata.

    Cia scusami sapresti indicarmi quale saldatura sul QSB ti era saltata??
    Mi ritrovo nella tua stessa situazione e col tester ho continuitā...

  9. #9
    Regular Member L'avatar di robbe88
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012

    Problema modalitā pass-trought cobra ode

    Io le ho rifatte tutte da capo

  10. #10
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Scusate figliuoli... ma prendete il tester e misurate ogni punto della QSB in prova diodi. I valori (senza flat installata ovvio) devono essere a coppie (punto alto punto basso dalla stessa parte) uguali.


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