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  • 1 Post By guerrierodipace

Discussione: Problema FSD3 rev 0.483

  1. #1
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011

    Problema FSD3 rev 0.483

    Gente, ho bisogno di aiuto per questa versione di FSD3;
    Praticamente non mi torna alla NXE premendo qualsiasi combinazione di tasti.
    Con lo stesso launch.ini la FSD3 precedente mi torna alla NXE premendo il tasto guida, e dopo aver premuto torna ad home e confermato , premendo RB sul pad. Posto il mio launch.ini

    BUT_X = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex
    Default = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex
    RThumb =
    ; if true, brining up miniblade in NXE and then pressing Y will cause launch.xex to relaunch for you
    ; note you must release Y button then press desired QuickLaunchButtons after or use default item
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    nxemini = true

    ; if true ping limit will be removed for system link play (thanks FBDev!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    pingpatch = true

    ; if true (most) xbla will no longer need yaris patching (thanks mojobojo!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    contpatch = true

    ; Normally when a fatal error occurs the xbox will just freeze, setting this to false will cause a reboot or powerdown
    ; setting to TRUE will also disable the unhandled exception filter which tries to intercept recoverable unhandled exceptions with exit to dash
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalfreeze = false

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (hard reboot), setting it to false will instead have the box shut down
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalreboot = true

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false and fatalreboot is set to true, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (soft reboot) the way it was intended to
    ; ONLY set this to true if using blackaddr's reboot fix for SMC, else on reboot you will get E71 and corrupted dash/video/etc settings
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    safereboot = false

    ; when set to true, it is possible to hold RB when launching a game to have the region that the game gets from xam spoofed
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    regionspoof = false

    ; when regionspoof is true, you set your region here in hex preceding the value with 0x, for examle devkit would be region = 0x7fff
    ; if not present but regionspoof is set to true, this is set to 0x7FFF
    region = 0x7FFF

    ; when set to false, ejecting a dvd video or game returns you to your default item, set to true to auto exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    dvdexitdash = true

    ; when set to false, using the exit item in an XBLA game returns you to your default item, set to true to exit to NXE arcade menu
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    xblaexitdash = true

    ; when set to true, using miniblades system setting options will not exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nosy***it = true

    ; when set to true, miniblades will not appear... ever (requested as child saftey measure)
    ; note that using this option overrides everything in dash launch that relies on miniblade exits to function
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nohud = false

    ; when set to false, xbox will be capable of finding system updaters
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE

  2. #2
    God L'avatar di Titty
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Hai provato il percorso che ti ho detto via mail?

    Ovvero mettere

    BUT_X = Sfc:\dash.xex
    Non si da supporto privato, i vostri dubbi vanno risolti sul forum tramite un post... così tutta la Comunity cresce con voi

  3. #3
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Non va, ho messo la rev.403 e tutto torna ok

  4. #4
    Biosgna premere il tasto Y nella nuova versione dopo il miniblade, altrimenti torna sempre in fsd

  5. #5
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Premo Y e nulla piu' ?? Oppure debbo premere Y e sempre RB dopo?

  6. #6
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da The Pusher Visualizza Messaggio
    Premo Y e nulla piu' ?? Oppure debbo premere Y e sempre RB dopo?
    miniblad > Y > RB+A
    si come prima ma con l'aggiunta di Y
    The Pusher likes this.

  7. #7
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Thanks, ma dove lo hanno scritto sto cambiamento ???

  8. #8
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Grazie Guerrieridipace, è come dici tu, funziona

  9. #9
    non so,francamente l'ultimo readme non l'ho letto. L'ho scoperto provando.

  10. #10
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Ti Lovvoooooooo

  11. #11
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da The Pusher Visualizza Messaggio
    Grazie Guerrieridipace, è come dici tu, funziona
    prego,almeno a volte sono utile.
    Però scrivi bene il mio nick

    e se riesci fai quella prova di update sulle 4GB

  12. #12
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace Guerrierodipace


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