Guarda io ho un problema e mi sono rivolto alla vostra comunità per cercare di risolvere... le prima risposte..... fra cazzotti e bastonate e vasellina .... secondo te cosa devo pensare... dove sono finito... un pò sono rimasto scioccato ... e di forum ne frequento da anni
PS: di molti forum sono stato amministratore e vari ...moderatore supermod ecc ecc
Torniamo in thread, fai un dump della tua nand come ti ha chiesto direttamente il calzolaio.
Cazzotti resisti, usa questo: [url][/url]
Simple 360 NAND Flasher By Swizzy v1.3 (BETA)
** Please note that this is an open BETA, it have been tested by me and a few friends, but... i don't take any
responsibility for possible bricks, make sure you understand this before you use this new version! **
* Requirements *
- A Hacked Xbox 360 (JTAG/RGH or similar)
- A nand dump to write or just enough space to save your nanddump on whatever device you use this app on
** For AutoMode: **
- A CRC32 hash of updflash.bin (in file updflash.crc32)
- A File named "simpleflasher.cmd" containing a command described in the secton "AutoMode" below
* What it does *
- It'll flash your motherboards nand with the supplied image (updflash.bin) using rawflash v4 or rawflash4g v1
- It'll dump your motherboards nand with to flashdmp.bin using rawdump v1 or rawdump4g v1
* CPUKey Extraction *
It's finally here, i could've had it working a long time ago, i just didn't get the test app working... and decided to put it aside for a while...
This feature will not work on every dash, old ones will most likely not work, it uses a peek feature introduced by Dashlaunch a while back, i don't know when, nor does cOz remember when...
Etheir way, if it doesn't work it'll post a message to you saying that you'll have to use xell...
* Credits *
- cOz Thanks for all the help you constantly give me with just about everything, and thanks for rawflash!
- Thanks to xvistaman for helping me solve that one last error i had with corona4g writes! i owe you
- Thanks to blaKcat for listening to me about security stuff, CRC32 hashes etc. and not releasing the modified version before my official one
- Thanks to everyone that has helped me test it!: Jonblu @ Consoleopen, Sileandro and Razkar And others that i don't know the name of...
- Thanks also goes to who ever it was that ported rawflash to SDK in the first place and making it open source!
- Thanks also to everyone that reports bugs and/or errors in ALL my apps![]()
Esplora i link spaziali dei Tutorial RGH fatti con le mie manine Sante
«L'abitudine e' in tutte le cose il miglior maestro.» -- Plinio il vecchio, "Storia naturale"