I have put together an guide on how to use the DGX with the new J-Runner.
Thanks must go to RF1911 for assisting me with this
First you need to select your Nand type.
As I have an Trinity Board, I have selected Trinity and clicked on OK.
You need to read at least 2 NAND dumps that does compare.
When the dumps are complete you need to click on "Advanced" - "Write DGX"
J-Runner will ask for conformation if you have original NAND backups before it continues. As you have made 2 dumps that is comparing, you can click on "YES".
It will ask you for the type, "this must be the same as your selection for the NAND dump".
Always refer to guides if you are unsure.
When you selected the correct motherboard type, click on "OK"
J-Runner will now program your motherboard NAND with the DGX ECC as shown below.
Now you can go ahead and install your DGX to get the CPU / DVD Key.