Espongo il mio problema: ho esefuito un Rgh su di una Falcon, estratto le nand creato ecc con xell e fin quì tutto bene xell parte e riesco a prendere la Cpu Key, il problema adesso nasce che mi sono perso le nand originale estratte, quindi adesso mi ritrovo che se voglio fare estrazione della nand purtroppo le faccio con quella scritta per far partire xell, e non riesco a creare un immagine valida per xebuild inquanto mancano alcuni valori dispensabili mi ritrovo il 5BL A 0 6BL AMBEDUE A 0 E 7BL AMBEDUE A ZERO compresi LDV E PD senza questi valori Jrunner non mi dà la possibilità di creare un immagine valida xebuild, c'è un rimedio visto che Xell cmq sia parte tranquillamente.
Ringrazio Anticipatamente a Tutti coloro che mi risponderanno
basta collegare un cavo lan tra router e xbox spenta, accenderla, attendere che parta xell e digitare su un browser l'inidrizzo ip che esce subito dopo la cpukey e la dvdkey. dopodichè seleziona download raw flash e con il file scaricato puoi creare l'immagine freeboot. ciao
Guarda allego il file di testo quando provo a dargli crea immaggine in jrunner:
xeBuild v1.05.548
building retail image
<enter> key on completion suppressed
data directory overridden from command line to '.\xeBuild\13599\'
per build directory overridden from command line to 'xeBuild\data'
file name overridden from command line to 'C:\Users\**\Desktop\Jrunner\J-Runner v02 Beta (283) Core Pack\775862782905\updflash.bin'
------ parsing user ini at '.\xeBuild\data\options.ini' ------
loading file...done!
pre-parsing and sanitizing
User options.ini loaded, 0x18c bytes in memory
loading cpukey.txt from .\xeBuild\data\cpukey.txt
CPU Key set to: 0x15FCF5548DFC1648793E8902D1E7E82F
setting 1blkey from ini: 0xDD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA
1BL Key set to: 0xDD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA sum: 0x983 (expects: 0x983)
xex Key set to: 0x20B185A59D28FDC340583FBB0896BF91 sum: 0x800 (expects: 0x800)
------ parsing ini at '.\xeBuild\13599\_retail.ini' ------
ini version 13599
ini: label [falconbl] found
found (1) 'cb_5771.bin' crc: 0x859140f0
found (2) 'none' crc: 0x00000000
found (3) 'cd_8453.bin' crc: 0x25e0acd0
found (4) 'ce_1888.bin' crc: 0xff9b60df
found (5) 'cf_13599.bin' crc: 0x2b069820
found (6) 'cg_13599.bin' crc: 0xa5fd5e8b
ini: label [flashfs] found
found (1) 'aac.xexp' crc: 0xa622262f
found (2) 'bootanim.xex' crc: 0x5ebaa67f
found (3) 'createprofile.xex' crc: 0xf53f0259
found (4) 'dash.xex' crc: 0x0377a5b8
found (5) 'deviceselector.xex' crc: 0xa5da5863
found (6) 'gamerprofile.xex' crc: 0x9b97b30f
found (7) 'hud.xex' crc: 0x3bd83963
found (8) 'huduiskin.xex' crc: 0xf7c69840
found (9) 'mfgbootlauncher.xex' crc: 0xf4d1be33
found (10) 'minimediaplayer.xex' crc: 0xcbd3e4a6
found (11) 'nomni.xexp' crc: 0x8099a6af
found (12) 'nomnifwk.xexp' crc: 0x43d15042
found (13) 'nomnifwm.xexp' crc: 0x6c1f328e
found (14) 'signin.xex' crc: 0x013749fb
found (15) 'updater.xex' crc: 0x0d0d3f84
found (16) 'vk.xex' crc: 0xc3707c11
found (17) 'xam.xex' crc: 0x35c77172
found (18) 'xenonclatin.xtt' crc: 0xd5d17ff5
found (19) 'xenonclatin.xttp' crc: 0x7a507ad1
found (20) 'xenonjklatin.xtt' crc: 0xdde4a14c
found (21) 'xenonjklatin.xttp' crc: 0x945b7092
found (22) 'ximecore.xex' crc: 0xa49f0061
found (23) 'ximedic.xex' crc: 0x1d992bfb
found (24) 'ximedic.xexp' crc: 0xf67612f5
ini: label [security] found
found (1) 'crl.bin' crc: 0x00000000
found (2) 'dae.bin' crc: 0x00000000
found (3) 'extended.bin' crc: 0x00000000
found (4) 'fcrt.bin' crc: 0x00000000
found (5) 'secdata.bin' crc: 0x00000000
------ ini parsing completed ------
output name overridden to: C:\Users\**\Desktop\Jrunner\J-Runner v02 Beta (283) Core Pack\775862782905\updflash.bin
------ Checking .\xeBuild\data\nanddump.bin ------
.\xeBuild\data\nanddump.bin file size: 0x1080000
nanddump header checks passed OK!
Loading NAND dump (0x1080000 bytes)...done!
Detecting NAND controller type from dump data...
NAND dump is from a small block machine
NAND dump uses small block controller
parsing dump into user and spare...
***** ERROR: naddump.bin is a ZEROPAIR/XELL image, discarding
***** WARNING: cfldv was not set anywhere, setting it to 1
please set it in ini or on command line and rebuild!
Writing initial header to flash image
perchè hai ldv a 0. fai una cosa. primaditutto usa xebuildgui 2.085, seconda cosa quando avvi xell conta sul fuseset 7 quante f hai. il numero di f equivale al numero ldv. quando apri xebuild gui apri la tua nand, immetti cpukey e nel riquadro a destra, sotto il logo, c'è uno spazio vuoto accento alla scritta CFLDV. lì immetti il numero pari al numero delle F del fuseset 07 visto da xell dopodichè crei l'immagine freeboot
Niente da Fare questo è il log di xeBuikd con Fuseset 6
Swizzy's xeBuild GUI version 2.085
Log Started: Monday 22/10/2012 13:20:30
*** Some console information ***
CB Version: 5771
Serial number: 775862782905
Console region: PAL/Europe (0x02FE)
DVDKey: 5FBA4E32315A21C68365EA540FB530F6
Console ID: 0736B42CD6
MFR-Date: 18-07-08
OSIG String: PLDS DG-16D2S 7485
FCRT.bin Required: False
Using xell-reloaded for Glitch hack
Including dashlaunch... Done!
Including custom dashlaunch settings (launch.ini)... Done!
Copying nand to data directory, this may take a while... Done!
Checking if SMC is Glitch or Retail...
Dumping current SMC... Done!
Checking SMC...
SMC is Glitch patched! it will be used the way it is...
Building nand using xeBuild (this may take a while):
xeBuild v1.05.548
building glitch image
***** ERROR: naddump.bin is a ZEROPAIR/XELL image, discarding
**** could not read smc.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
xeBuild ERROR: image build error
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
*** Some console information ***
CB Version: 5771
Serial number: 775862782905
Console region: PAL/Europe (0x02FE)
DVDKey: 5FBA4E32315A21C68365EA540FB530F6
Console ID: 0736B42CD6
MFR-Date: 18-07-08
OSIG String: PLDS DG-16D2S 7485
FCRT.bin Required: False
Using xell-reloaded for Glitch hack
Including dashlaunch... Done!
Including custom dashlaunch settings (launch.ini)... Done!
Copying nand to data directory, this may take a while... Done!
Checking if SMC is Glitch or Retail...
Dumping current SMC... Done!
Checking SMC...
SMC is Glitch patched! it will be used the way it is...
Building nand using xeBuild (this may take a while):
xeBuild v1.05.548
building glitch image
***** ERROR: naddump.bin is a ZEROPAIR/XELL image, discarding
**** could not read smc.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
xeBuild ERROR: image build error
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
*** Some console information ***
CB Version: 5771
Serial number: 775862782905
Console region: PAL/Europe (0x02FE)
DVDKey: 5FBA4E32315A21C68365EA540FB530F6
Console ID: 0736B42CD6
MFR-Date: 18-07-08
OSIG String: PLDS DG-16D2S 7485
FCRT.bin Required: False
Using xell-reloaded for Glitch hack
Including dashlaunch... Done!
Including custom dashlaunch settings (launch.ini)... Done!
Copying nand to data directory, this may take a while... Done!
Checking if SMC is Glitch or Retail...
Dumping current SMC... Done!
Checking SMC...
SMC is Glitch patched! it will be used the way it is...
Building nand using xeBuild (this may take a while):
xeBuild v1.05.548
building glitch image
***** ERROR: naddump.bin is a ZEROPAIR/XELL image, discarding
**** could not read smc.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
xeBuild ERROR: image build error
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
allora mi sa ke ti serve una donor.
metti in upload su dropbox o simili i file ke hai già.
stasera ke torno da lavoro ti mando il dump di una falcon ke ho fatto l'altro giorno e vedi se patchando con la tua key parte.
solo ke la mia era 14699. la tua mi pare 13599. in caso vediamo se si riesce a ristoccare.
Sinceramente non ricordo quale dash montava perchè era una console ripresa dopo un pò di tempo lasciata in disparte con sole ecc caricato per xell, sicuramente mi ricordo che come dash era abbastanza vecchia non aggiornata. Adesso metto Link della cpukey del flashdump fatto via rete e del keyvault
Grazie Infinite, Poi vediamo se parte
posso allacciarmi alla discussione????perchè praticamente ho lo stesso problema... falcon rjtag riesco a creare freebot 16537, ma non 16756. allego il log di jrunner
Load Files Initiliazation Finished
Clean SMC detected
Patching Jasper version 2.3 SMC at offset 0x12BA
Started Creation of the 16756 xebuild image
KV Info saved to file
xeBuild v1.12.659
base path changed to C:\Users\Daniele\Downloads\AutoGG_0.9.2_rev67\J-Runner v02 Beta (288) Core Pack\J-Runner v02 Beta (288) Core Pack\xeBuild
---- { Image Build Mode } ----
building jtag image
**** could not read cf_16756.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image