sera mi stavo cimentando a fare il freeboot con kernel 14719 seguendo la guida da qua [url][/url] il dump bin e della console con freeboot 14699 rgh ma quando vado a cliccare su generate hacked image mi riporta il seguente errore
Swizzy's xeBuild GUI version 2.0
Log Started: Sunday 04/03/2012 17.24.59
Using xell-reloaded for Glitch hack
dashlaunch NOT included...
Copying nand to data directory, this may take a while... Done!
Checking if SMC is Glitch or Retail...
Dumping current SMC... Done!
Checking SMC...
SMC is Glitch patched! it will be used the way it is...
Parameters sent to xeBuild:
-noenter -t glitch -c trinity -d data -f 14717 -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA -p (CPU KEY) output.bin
Building nand using xeBuild (this may take a while):
xeBuild v1.01.421
building glitch image
**** could not read cba_9188.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
xeBuild ERROR: image build error
ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!
****** The app has now finished! ******
l errore potrebbe essere la causa del freeboot 14699??