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Discussione: XBOX ISO backup manager

  1. #21
    Vip Member L'avatar di genhack
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    Basilicata ITALIA!!!
    It 'a good idea, but it would take at least someone skilled in programming that is to reconstruct the' eventual gui.
    Sorry for my bad bad bad english...

  2. #22
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    It 'a good idea, but it would take at least someone skilled in programming that is to reconstruct the' eventual gui.
    Sorry for my bad bad bad english...
    I'm pretty skilled with programming... and i do make GUI's alot

    I just don't want to spend ALOT of time doing ALOT of research on my own... GOD isn't particularly useful for me, netheir is burning games (or checking them with ABGX360)
    genhack likes this.

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    something need to be rewrite. I think that it's possible because all of this tool are open source.We can copy the algorithm.
    But the other 70% it's create a GUI and integrate CLI software like abgx....
    The only GUI tool that would remain is the burning screen of IMG burn.

  4. #24
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    something need to be rewrite. I think that it's possible because all of this tool are open source.We can copy the algorithm.
    But the other 70% it's create a GUI and integrate CLI software like abgx....
    The only GUI tool that would remain is the burning screen of IMG burn.
    So, you're saying that ISO2GOD is open source? where's the source for it?!

    ** edit: **

    I found some source code that is from ISO2GOD: [url]https://github.com/Intline9/i360gm/tree/master/dep/iso2god[/url] however, this is NOT compileable due to the fact that it's been reversed by a tool that doesn't verify that the extracted code is proper... there are several errors, some that are easy to bypass, others that are not so easy to bypass without extensive research into exactly what the code is doing and why...

    What this means is that there is ALOT of reasearch to be done in order to get GOD stuff supported... i have in my possession the code for GOD2ISO (turning a GOD container into an ISO) however, iirc i'm not allowed to just spread it around... [i was given it by the author per my request quite some time ago... when i was actually considering working on a AIO tool on my own... i've since decided not to spend much time on it on my own as i don't really need it anyways]
    Ultima modifica di Swizzy; 19-11-13 alle 22: 10

  5. #25
    Junior Member
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    Ok,You be right. But i don't think that "god function" is necessary to create a first version of this tool.
    we can focus on :
    - BD of iso's game, with cover and info
    - Extraction and conversion of iso
    - patch and burning game
    - ftp , usb, and fatx support to transfer games

    Other function will came after.

  6. #26
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    - BD of iso's game, with cover and info
    BD of iso's game? what do you mean with that? and where do you expect to get the covers from? google? your server? microsoft?

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Geko90 Visualizza Messaggio
    - Extraction and conversion of iso
    Conversion to what? GOD = a container converted from ISO, otherwise we only have extraction...

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Geko90 Visualizza Messaggio
    - ftp , usb, and fatx support to transfer games
    FATX, as in talking directly with the harddrive?

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    1 DB( data base), I wrote it with iPhone , and it corrected to BD...
    For covers, We can do it using the same server of FSD, Microsoft or, do you know JQE360? We can use this....

    2 sorry ,Extraction only. I've mistake , cut&paste...

    3 yes , if you have alot of games to copy directly to hard drive and want connect it to PC.
    Ultima modifica di Geko90; 20-11-13 alle 09: 29

  8. #28
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    1 DB( data base), I wrote it with iPhone , and it corrected to BD...
    For covers, We can do it using the same server of FSD, Microsoft or, do you know JQE360? We can use this....
    Ok, what should the database contain exactly? and should it be local or online?

  9. #29
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    [url]https://github.com/Swizzy/XISOExtractorGUI[/url] <--- i've uploaded my XISOExtractorGUI Code here for anyone that wants to have a look at it...
    Geko90, Stryp and genhack like this.

  10. #30
    Junior Member
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    Ok, what should the database contain exactly? and should it be local or online?
    The database is local, sqlite.Inside of this we can insert info about iso( path,game id ,name,id of preferece,etc..) and statistics (Nº of transfer , Nº of burning ,etc...)

  11. #31
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    The database is local, sqlite.Inside of this we can insert info about iso( path,game id ,name,id of preferece,etc..) and statistics (Nº of transfer , Nº of burning ,etc...)
    Why would the end-user want to have statistics of transfers and burning??

  12. #32
    Regular Member
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    Jul 2011
    progetto interessante ammetto che pure io ci avevo pensato da un pò.
    per quanto riguarda l'estrazione delle iso creai del codice a suo tempo che estraeva correttamente gli xgd2 non l'ho mai aggiornato ad xgd3 però il grande swizzy ha convertito exiso in c sharp. e quindi sei già a cavallo.
    Fidati di swizzy è un ragazzo molto ma molto in gamba..
    Il suo aiuto lo accetterei volentieri (e ne sarei anche molto felice).

    Io vorrei un trasferimento ftp in real time.

    Cosa intend i tu per fatx? vuoi un supporto al filesystem r/w come quel tool per iniettare dati nel disco fisso? o chiavette?

    Ho già offerto a Swizzy la mia disponibilità, è stato lui poco fa a farmi notare questo thread in skype, se ti serve una mano ti posso aiutare sempre compatibilmente con il mio tempo libero.

    In questo swizzy è ancora più grande perchè fidati che ci starà già lavorando :-) hahahaha
    Anche Styp potrebbe aiutarti/ci.

    Potremmo fare un consoleopen manager o qualcosa del genere le capacità ci sono..
    Swizzy and guerrierodipace like this.

  13. #33
    Junior Member
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    XBOX ISO backup manager

    Io sono molto contento di questo interessamento di swizzy. Infatti questi commenti sono molto costruttivi. Stiamo gettando una base per raggiungere un intento unico nello sviluppo del software. Non è che accetto io l'aiuto, l'idea è che tutti collaboriamo allo stesso modo, ognuno con il suo tempo libero.

    L'intenzione è proprio creare un Iso manager per gestire giochi per tutte le Xbox sia con firmware sia con rgh/jtag.

    Voglio includere il supporto per il filesystem della Xbox per copiare TU , e i giochi direttamente nel disco Xbox.

    For swizzy:

    This features is a plus, simply to be developed.
    I don't know if that statistics is interesting , but I would be happy if I could find it on a software.

    Swizzy, if you we can create together a UML project and after split project in several steps.

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  14. #34
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    Stai ancora studiando o sei già nel mondo del lavoro?
    Ho programmatori che vengono da una lunga carriera che no sanno nemmeno cosa è l'uml.

    Questo è un buon punto a tuo favore.

    Ogni progetto in team deve avere un team leader che coordina gli altri altrimenti non si collabora in modo profiquo.

    Perchè non crei i casi d'uso di questa applicazione, poi ci creiamo uno workspace web dove possiamo lavorare.

  15. #35
    Junior Member
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    XBOX ISO backup manager

    Grazie, sono laureando in ing del software , e sto anche lavorando ( in un settore diverso , anche se sempre del settore IT mi occupo).

    L'esperienza si swizzy , se disponibile, lo quotano come miglior team leader. Ma questo non vuol dire che non possiamo collaborare alla pari per il primo periodo e per i brainstorming.
    Dopo verrà creato un team e vedremo. Sempre vedendo la disponibilità di swizzy.
    Per il resto posso creare più che i caso d'uso , un mockup con i vari vai d'uso. Più user-friendly se vogliamo fare vedere a chi non conosce l'ing del software.

    Così buttiamo giu un idea di GUI.

    Inviato da mio iPhone utilizzando [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]

  16. #36
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    if you we can create together a UML project and after split project in several steps.
    As G1zm0 said, even professionals don't know uml... i am one of the ppl that don't know it... i just code... xD

  17. #37
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    Grazie, sono laureando in ing del software , e sto anche lavorando ( in un settore diverso , anche se sempre del settore IT mi occupo).

    L'esperienza si swizzy , se disponibile, lo quotano come miglior team leader. Ma questo non vuol dire che non possiamo collaborare alla pari per il primo periodo e per i brainstorming.
    Dopo verrà creato un team e vedremo. Sempre vedendo la disponibilità di swizzy.
    Per il resto posso creare più che i caso d'uso , un mockup con i vari vai d'uso. Più user-friendly se vogliamo fare vedere a chi non conosce l'ing del software.

    Così buttiamo giu un idea di GUI.

    Inviato da mio iPhone utilizzando [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
    G1zm0 is by far more skilled then i am tho, and he's much better suited as a team leader in my eyes, iirc that's the role he have at work... altought he also code alot

  18. #38
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    [url]https://github.com/Swizzy/x360ISOManager/blob/master/x360ISOManager.exe?raw=true[/url] could you guys check this, tell me what you think of this very early design?

    *NOTE: This is just a quick one i set up, it has zero functionality, all you can do is browse the various tabs... *

    ** edit: **

    If the above link don't work, try this one: [url]https://github.com/Swizzy/x360ISOManager/blob/master/x360ISOManager.exe[/url] and click on "View Raw" to download a compiled version of the design work i've done so far...
    Ultima modifica di Swizzy; 22-11-13 alle 00: 59

  19. #39
    Junior Member
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Swizzy Visualizza Messaggio
    [url]https://github.com/Swizzy/x360ISOManager/blob/master/x360ISOManager.exe?raw=true[/url] could you guys check this, tell me what you think of this very early design?

    *NOTE: This is just a quick one i set up, it has zero functionality, all you can do is browse the various tabs... *
    I can't try it now, because I work on MAC freshly formatted and I've not yet installed the virtualization software. Tomorrow I will give you feedback. bye

  20. #40
    Master member L'avatar di Mauroz
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    Ferrara CUBA
    Now, i' am trying, one moment :-)

    XBOX360 Slim Corona v 2 RGH HD 1 TB Hitachi Lite-on 1532 FSD 3 ITA FREEBOOT 16203 - DASHLAUNCH 3.07
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    PSVita CEF 6.60 TN C 2.02 --- XBOX - DuoX2 - - - Nintendo Gamecube

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