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  • 2 Post By Netkar

Discussione: Thumbs up J-Runner v0.2 Beta Build (288) Released

  1. #1
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up J-Runner v0.2 Beta Build (288) Released

    The ever popular J-Runner application J-Runner application has been updated to build 288 to include the newly released ECC files as well as the DGX to RGX conversion files. (as well as a few bug fixes)
    Even though the ability to use J-Runner to write these files using custom commands has always been there, It been updated so it becomes one seemless process once again.

    Name: update.jpg Views: 27 Size: 260.2 KB
    Now when your nand is loaded as source - if its over 14719 dash - the create ECC button will be blanked and it will automatically(providing you have nand type selected) use the correct newly released ECC when you press "Write ECC*"

    In addition there is a whole column of RGX XSVF for DGX owners to use when you select "Flash Coolrunner".

    So update your build to the latest release and continue to enjoy the Automation that J-Runner provides.

    - Added DGX to RGX Conversion XSVF's
    - Added TX released ECC files For use to obtain CPUKeys on dashes greater than 14719
    - Removed Write DGX Options (now writes correct ECC dependant upon nand loaded/selected)
    - Added Menu option to write new ECC files if you havent loaded a nand
    - Added Ability for LTP and Nand-x to write x128 XSVFs
    - Added Protection check whilst using JR Programmer (in case you stupidly try to write a XSVF to CR3Pro)
    - Moved Trinity XSVF radio button into RGH2 group
    - Fixed bug creating image without nanddump.bin
    - Fixed bug on Custom XeBuild Commands
    The Pusher and wacjoker like this.

  2. #2
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Praticamente hanno tolto la possibilita' di usare il DGX per il recupero key in maniera automatica.

  3. #3
    iCook L'avatar di oppilif
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Vignole Borbera (AL)
    Beh ne hanno messo di tempo per implementare i nuovi ecc eh!

  4. #4
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Ottimo, tra poco aggiorno il solito thread. Grazie.

  5. #5
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2011
    Thumbs up J-Runner v0.2 Beta Build (288) Released-schermata-2013-03-09-alle-14.53.18.png
    ecco come vi apparirà

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2013
    Ottimo! Ora aggiorno


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