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Discussione: XEBUILD GUI v2.081 by SWIZZY

  1. #1
    Mago di Freeboot
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011

    XEBUILD GUI v2.081 by SWIZZY

    XEBUILD GUI v2.081 by SWIZZY rilasciato

    L'ottimo coder Swizzy,autore di XEBUILD GUI,ci informa personalmente che ha appena rilasciato una nuova versione del suo ottimo tool che supporta pienamente la creazione dell'ecc e la creazione del freeboot anche su scheda madre CORONA

    DOWNLOAD [URL="http://www.sendspace.com/file/cn6fod"]xeBuild GUI 2.081[/URL]

    XEBUILD GUI v2.081 by SWIZZY-xebuild-gui-v-2.081.png


    * 2.081 *
    - Fixed: When searching for your console on the network (for xell) it’ll no longer spit out errors everytime it finds a computer but fails to download fuses (it’ll no longer tell you it can’t decrypt kv when this happens)
    - Fixed: The RGH 2.0 script has been updated with new patches that actually work for corona
    - Fixed: Replaced CBB_13121.bin in the ECC folders to a proper one, BIG Thanks to Marchisio80 for telling me about this!
    - Added: Included in the pack is now also a retail SMC for corona
    - Fixed: Now using proper corona SMC when building retail images…
    - Fixed: When building a image from scratch (extract vitals) with corona it’ll now attempt to extract FCRT.bin aswell
    - Fixed: If you have selected ECC for RGH 2.0 it’ll now also switch to Freeboot for RGH 2.0 when you load cpukey using any method…

    ** NOTE: Netheir this nor the previous release (2.08) supports hacking a console with 15574! what it can do is however decrypt the data from 15574 nand IF you have your cpukey at hand… this means you MAY be able to rebuild a nand for your console with older version despite updating… but i make no promises! **
    ** NOTE: The corona support ONLY works for v1 (16MB NAND machines, this generally means consoles with harddrives…) **
    ** NOTE: Xell isn’t fully operational on Corona, all you can use it for is to extract your CPUKey and/or dump your nand (maybe, i haven’t tested dumping nand) this however is ONLY possible using network! you get no image…**
    ** WARNING: Don’t try to flash your nand using rawflash OR xell on a corona motherboard, it WILL NOT WORK, to flash your motherboard use an old version of nandpro or the squirter software… **

    ** NOTE: This version is crap, just like the previous version, it works… but it has alot of errors still in it, and i’m working on a totally new version, 3.0… it’s a total re-write to fix alot of errors and add new features… check on [url]www.homebrew-connection.org[/url] every now and then and you won’t miss the release **

    * 2.08 *
    - Added: The app now supports identifying Corona motherboards and you can now also choose to build such images if you want…
    - Changed: Replaced the RGH 2.0 build.py with the one made by TX RGH Team which someone leaked, i’ve slightly modified it tho like previous script
    - Removed: You can no longer select Jasper256/Jasper512 seperatly, sorry… but they didn’t fit anymore when i added Corona, and JasperBB is the same anyways
    - Added: The app can now handle the new CB_B decryption, so you can extract information CB_B from a 1557x and newer dump along with extracting these bootloaders decrypted
    - Fixed: Several minor bugs from adding JasperBB, forgot to add jasperbb in the restrictions to jasper256/512 :$ sorry!
    - Fixed: When reading the wrong file as « fuse » you’ll nolonger end up with a key that is « 00… » it’ll instead set key as empty (none)
    - Changed: Now using xeBuild 1.04

    ** NOTE: I did not intend to release another version of xeBuild GUI untill 3.0 was done, but seeing as Team Squirt and Blakcat (author behind AutoGG) decided it’s a great idea to release the corona hack NOW they kinda forced my hand… **
    ** NOTE: I’ve taken parts of the new 3.0 code and implemented it in this version, there is still alot of work left to be done in 3.0 before it’s ready for release… **


    Ottimo lavoro,Swizzy

    Ultima modifica di MARCHISIO80; 08-07-12 alle 21: 02
    [URL="calciomonamour.altervista.org"]CLICCAMI [/URL]

  2. #2
    Vip Member L'avatar di andreagtr
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Bellaaaa! uno in piu' non fa mai male

  3. #3
    Mago di Freeboot
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011

    Ricordo che supporta l'estrazione dei cb anche sulle nuove dash post 14719...........molto utile per eventuali test
    Ultima modifica di MARCHISIO80; 08-07-12 alle 21: 13
    Tommino81 likes this.
    [URL="calciomonamour.altervista.org"]CLICCAMI [/URL]

  4. #4
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    marchisio80 scusa ma il link non funge, e xbins e off-line da un pezzo riusciresti gentilmente a rimettere il link?grazie

  5. #5
    Time to play the Game! I am the debt that can't be paid... You're going down in flames... L'avatar di The Pusher
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    [URL="http://www.homebrew-connection.org/files/xbox/nand_builder/xeBuild_GUI_2.081.rar"]Eccoti il link funzionante[/URL]

  6. #6
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    grazie pusher!!

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