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Discussione: Xebuild GUI 2.061 By Swizzy Rilasciata!

  1. #1

    Xebuild GUI 2.061 By Swizzy Rilasciata!

    Subito dopo BlaKcat, sviluppatore di AutoGG anche Swizzy aggiorna il suo tool!
    Rilascia una nuova versione della GUI per Xebuild, chiamata per l'appunto XebuildGUI, giunta alla versione 2.061
    Ottimo Tool per RGH/JTAG che permette di svolgere moltissime operazioni (lettura nand, creazione ecc, creazione freboot e molto altro ancora)
    L'aggiornamento comprende diversi Bug-Fix ed implementa il nuovo DashLaunch 3.0.1 by COz.
    Ecco il ChangeLog completo:

    - Fixed: The failsafe now properly warns if you are trying to build something funky like JTAG from Glitch type source etc.
    - Fixed: You can now properly build nands without using a full dump again, forgot to think about linking some files in 2.05x… fixed already in 2.06 but didn’t update changelog for that last minute changes…
    - Fixed: You can now build 7371 retail and 9199 JTAG images, that function was broken in previous versions…
    - Fixed: If you don’t select a dashboard version it’ll no longer allow you to try to build (if it’s required for the type you are trying to build), it’ll now have the build button disabled…
    - Fixed: You can no longer select any hacked SMC type for retail (previously you could select aud_clamp and aud_clamp + eject altought it would automatically change that to current/retail with the failsafe)
    - Changed: The log now contains the latest entry in the top rather then at the bottom…
    - Fixed: Several bugs in the nandpro window again… Hopefully last time i fix bugs here before next major re-write
    - Added: The app can now tell you about values in your SMC Config (for refference if you want to change these values) for example the Temperatures, fanspeed, MAC Adress etc.
    - Added: New options to Dashlaunch ini configurator to reflect the new stuff in the new dashlaunch BETA version
    - Changed: Now using latest Dashlaunch BETA (v3.01 BETA)
    - Updated: I’ve updated all presets to the standards of 3.01 and updated the launch.ini included with my suggestions for 3.01 Beta

    Xebuild GUI 2.061 By Swizzy Rilasciata!-xebuild-gui-2061-1.png

    Ultima modifica di Raiden; 30-05-12 alle 15: 14

  2. #2
    Vip Member
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011
    Vicino a Torino
    Non riesce a decriptare la nand della mia slim, quando avvio il build nand mi dice che ci sono troppi errori e quando clicco su Check KV mi dice di controllare la Cpu Key...
    Premetto che sto usando i file che Raiden mi aveva dato mesi fa sul cd e che non ho mai toccato, e tra l'altro ho appena verificato che 360 Flash Tool v0.97 con quegli stessi file decripta correttamente il KV...
    Direi che è un bug di XeBuild GUI, adesso provo la versione precedente

    Ho risolto...
    Consiglio: se avete la nand su un cd o dvd, copiatela su HDD prima di procedere...
    Certo però che strano XD
    Ultima modifica di Luke69; 02-06-12 alle 09: 25
    My 2 Xbox 360
    The first: (risen from RROD)___________________________The second:
    - Drive: Hitachi v78FK________________________________- Drive: LiteOn 0225
    - Mobo: Xenon_____________________________________- Mobo: Trinity
    - Dashboard: 2.0.7371.0 -> 2.0.13604.0_________________- Dashboard: 2.0.14699.0
    - Booter: Original____________________________________- Booter: RGLoder Dev (0v170)
    - MFR date: 18/08/2006______________________________- MFR date: 14/01/2011

    GamerTag: xX Luke69 Xx

  3. #3
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
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    Mar 2012
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Luke69 Visualizza Messaggio
    Non riesce a decriptare la nand della mia slim, quando avvio il build nand mi dice che ci sono troppi errori e quando clicco su Check KV mi dice di controllare la Cpu Key...
    Premetto che sto usando i file che Raiden mi aveva dato mesi fa sul cd e che non ho mai toccato, e tra l'altro ho appena verificato che 360 Flash Tool v0.97 con quegli stessi file decripta correttamente il KV...
    Direi che è un bug di XeBuild GUI, adesso provo la versione precedente

    Ho risolto...
    Consiglio: se avete la nand su un cd o dvd, copiatela su HDD prima di procedere...
    Certo però che strano XD
    Thanks for the info, i'll take a look at it and see why it's behaving that way...

    The reason it tells you to check cpukey is because it fails to decrypt the kv (etheir the data it have in memory is corrupt or the key is wrong) it can also be that there is a badblock in block 1, that'll make it not work aswell since it cannot handle badblocks atm... (xebuild handles them, but the GUI don't know how to...)

    From what i understand it worked when you put it on your harddrive but not from the disc?

  4. #4
    Vip Member
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011
    Vicino a Torino
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Swizzy Visualizza Messaggio
    Thanks for the info, i'll take a look at it and see why it's behaving that way...

    The reason it tells you to check cpukey is because it fails to decrypt the kv (etheir the data it have in memory is corrupt or the key is wrong) it can also be that there is a badblock in block 1, that'll make it not work aswell since it cannot handle badblocks atm... (xebuild handles them, but the GUI don't know how to...)

    From what i understand it worked when you put it on your harddrive but not from the disc?
    Yeah, it also happens with older versions
    My 2 Xbox 360
    The first: (risen from RROD)___________________________The second:
    - Drive: Hitachi v78FK________________________________- Drive: LiteOn 0225
    - Mobo: Xenon_____________________________________- Mobo: Trinity
    - Dashboard: 2.0.7371.0 -> 2.0.13604.0_________________- Dashboard: 2.0.14699.0
    - Booter: Original____________________________________- Booter: RGLoder Dev (0v170)
    - MFR date: 18/08/2006______________________________- MFR date: 14/01/2011

    GamerTag: xX Luke69 Xx

  5. #5
    the best coder international scene hack L'avatar di Swizzy
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2012
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Luke69 Visualizza Messaggio
    Yeah, it also happens with older versions
    Alright, is it able to identify your motherboard etc. or is that part also not working?

    ** EDIT: **

    I've now found the reason for the problem, and fixed it along with a few other bugs =) will release a new version soon with these fixes NOTE: It takes a while to read from a CD/DVD sometimes so the program MAY freeze for a bit...
    Ultima modifica di Swizzy; 08-06-12 alle 19: 03
    jonblu and MARCHISIO80 like this.

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