Usa Multibuilder 0.83
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Usa Multibuilder 0.83
Sorry, Swizzy, but Rogero has used our build and gives to Marchisio80 and Vola the right credits, and he didn't wait a "better coded" script, so Multibuilder works fine, instead of your Xebuild.
Sometimes, is better use the head before take a decision ;)
I appreciate your work, but lately you're doing the wrong choices IMHO.
Yes, he used your build script, but your buildscript does NOT support xenon, that's why i decided to go with nitram's script instead, and why would i give credits to machiniso and vola when they didn't create anyhing i use?
Maybe you should start using your brain to think instead of just talking shit, and check facts aswell perhaps... it helps ALOT!
But hey, i've got an idea! why don't YOU make a program on your own instead of saying others make wrong decisions?
Swiizy a question...can i flash the SQUIRT360 whith the file .SVF whith SLAVE BOARD in XEBUILD??? ;)
If there are other programs which do the works fine, I don't need to make a my personal program... I'm not searching notoriety, I just love the scene, and I give my help when it's needed...
I used Xebuild, and I appreciate it, but instead of using a fully tested script, you have decided to use a script which now gives problem... so, if you allow me, I think which you have made a wrong choice...
Yes, i can admit it was stupid of me to release 2.03 without testing every aspect of the ECC creation, however, i don't take kindly to the news post on the site, i am NOT afraid of annoying TX, that's not the reason i choose nitrams script... And the fact is, nitram has updated his script to fix the issues at hand, and i will be testing it out personally tomorrow when i have access to a bunch of consoles to test the result on.
Welcome Swizzy, all here are welcome , you can choose the elegant script , no dubt that your choose is the best way...for you.
But please remember that elegance is not glory, glory is free , free ideas , free scene.
Maybe a sign was the better way to show it.
ragazzi si può o no flashare il file .SVF per programmare lo SQUIRT360 BGA 1.2 tramite XEBUILD???
This is a good things... Mistakes helps to grow... Now this is a good way to follow, but I asked to my self, why you didn't want implement our, it's was tested to a lot of different model of console before releasing, and it was completly open, instead the J-Runner variant.
TX Use xe build but don't give you their I don't like this things, if one product is released free, also a "fork" must be released as free.........
I must admit that Swizzy is an honest guy for 2 with me personally (he knows and I say thanks),the second one now that admit there's an error in the new script from TX member forum(?)(more probably tx member).
Thank you Swizzy, you are wellcome
SWIZZY,I am very honored to have you here
thanks to your tool I learned a lot, trust
We also released a new guide based on your tool
I love xebuld gui, really, no joke, I always was using your program.,but now has problems.........
we have waited to release the xenon RGH because we are improving the timings
not as that issued tx build running and error
Allegato 2945
We do not run, walk, TX is that it is too slow to release
we do not care who makes, but we do not like to wait
still need to do tests and waiting? nobody hurries, there was already a solution to slim RGH
and xenon? xell wait up to 20 minutes?
Same reason that all give the credits to GLIGLI and TIROS even if you change the build because they released first
J-Runner don't use a python script, but they atleast released a xenon instead of keeping it a function only available for J-Runner :)
Yeah, these tools should all be free, perhaps not open-source, but atleast free to use... i didn't make xeBuild, i just made the GUI that's clearly stated in the readme, so the author behind J-Runner don't need to give me any creds for it or anything, even so i've recently started talking to him and hopefully he can give me some tips/ideas of how to solve future problems, and maybe help me out with some of the more advanced features i know he has... that's what i think the scene is for, that everyone help eachother to make things better...
The release of the script might however not have been the best thing to do, sure, all end-users are now happy that it's available, but if it would've been released together with the phatt solution even more ppl would've been happy, it's not TX that is holding it back, it's the time of the developers behind it all that is holding it back from beeing released, sure, TX wants to make money out of everything that's why they've put up news about it all happening... but they don't actually do anything of it... it's just publicity so they can sell more hardware...
Thanks for the information, i'll be releasing a fixed version (2.04) very soon tho, to fix the errors that are in it right now, if you release a better script to build faster ECC's later then i'll use it, but for now i really need to fix the bad misstake i did with releasing this (ehum) crap version...
My primary goal with the GUI is to make it user friendly and operational, i use 5-6 days/week so it's very important that everything works, but i can't always replace the version we use at work with beta versions, that would just piss off everyone where i work :P i replace it now and then with beta builds, but i also test alot at home... and send it to ppl that i know whom also test it for me...
I don't really like the time TX says it takes etheir, i mean seriously, who the hell wants to wait several hours to be able to run the console? now sure, it's still just xell beeing possible here... but i mean come on? :D
TX did release it telling us about the "problems" tho, so they did a good thing letting us fix the problem... without having to spend money on their products ;)
Caro amico, devi ammettere che l'intera faccenda puzza come una cucina del McDonalds; Noi "lazy" italian guys siamo però abituati a ben altra sostanza, molto più genuina ed appagante di un semplice Happy "TX" Meal confezionato ad arte e supportato esclusivamente da marketing pressante.
Dammi retta, fatti una bella Fiorentina....e non credere a chi ti racconta che la Simmenthal è più buona....
Dear friend Swizzy, you must admit that the whole thing smells like a McDonald's kitchen... we are "lazy" Italian guys but we are accustomed to a very different substance, much more genuine and satisfying than just Happy "TX" Meal artfully packaged and supported exclusively by pressing marketing and by special effects videos
Believe me, had a good Fiorentina .... and do not believe those who tell you that the Simmenthal is much good than else ....
I know which the hack isn't owned only by TX, but the only way to don't make M$ ready to patch the problem, is not ever release it... But if you don't release, where is the fun of the research of new bug?
Xbox is every moment most knowed... The release can't be blocked by the fear of a patch, this must be the cause of the release, and not the other...
However, I appreciate your last words... Now I can give you the right welcome they deserve ;)
Ammappa però... ora ci scrutano pure dall'estero :D
Well, that's because we are still using their hack, you only made a mod of a script using other ppls patches (work) and i ask again, why would i give you credits for doing that? i'm not suing your modded script... i'm using a different one, and you didn't create the patch beeing used...
If i was to give credits to anyone making a mod using other ppls work i would have a milelong credits list wouldn't i? that makes no sense...
We are talking amicably :)
Nothing against you, I've already explained to you how grateful I am for your tools :) :) :)
Yeah, you're absolutely right, I made a sarcastic joke :), just to say(always joking)that TX build is a mod to console open, which in turn is a mod to original GLIGLI and TIROS
We do not do it for credits or advertisements, we do not sell anything :)
Am I right?(always joking)
(always joking)
Or just because we have not given a new name (as it did TX)?
I may be wrong, nothing wrong, we discuss amicably :)
Does not matter who makes it ,is only important that it works
No personal attack on you, SWIZZY :)
Nothing against you
We're just chatting