Allegati: 9
Matrix Trident v1 trinand
Un pò in sordina il team matrix annuncia la disponibilità di una nuova soluzione per XBOX360.
La prima soluzione ad avere l'avvio a scelta tra 3 nand per i fortunati possessori di consoel con RGH o JTAG.
A prima vista sembra abbiano scelto come soluzione una nand di capacità maggiore che contiene i 2 kernel aggiuntivi.
esempio di configurazione:
#1: Online using original Kernel,
#2: Offline using Glitch'ing features,
#3: Xell OS running Linux Kernel
Riporto l'annuncio uffciiale,tra l'altro ancora assente sulla homepage del team....stranissimo visto che il prodotto è già in stock:
Announcing the Matrix Trident:
We are proud to announce the Matrix TRIDENT (PSI), the first triple NAND solution for your Xbox 360.
The TRIDENT will transform your Xbox360 16 MB NAND into 3 independent 16 MB banks that can be read and write with any available SPI reader/writer solution using software tools like Nandpro 2.0 and Nandpro 3.0.
The TRIDENT can work together with any Glitcher solution present in the market. A flat cable is supplied to directly connect it to the Matrix Glitcher II, for enhanced performances.
It features a quick solder board solution for the Trinity Slim and an external switch with LED indicators to quickly choose which one of the THREE banks of NAND to use.
With the Matrix Trident you can assign one bank to the Original NAND, the second bank to boot a modified dashboard and the third NAND bank to boot Xell or a second dashboard.
Whether you use it for fun or for hacking purposes, the Trident is going to be the tool of choice to add extra NAND capacity to your Xbox360.
Allows for the use of 3 Independent banks of NAND on the Xbox 360.
No need to cut any tracks on the Xbox360 motherboard.
External switch to quickly change among the 3 NANDs
Compatible with every glitching solution present in the market, including Matrix Glitcher II.
Compatible with any xbox360 with 16 MB NAND.
Easy to install thanks to quicksolder point design.
Blocks can be read / write with any SPI hardware present in the market.
Compatible with Nandpro 2.0 and 3.0 software.
Finally for console owners that had the RGH feature disabled due to recent 14717 dashboard upgrade we have the following announcements:
FAT Xbox360:
A new solution to re-enable RGH and Trident Style additional NAND on FAT consoles is under advanced development.
SLIM Xbox360:
A working solution is already under test and we will release it right after completing all the needed tests. Fortunately, due to hardware difference, the changes on Slim were not as drastical as the one implemented on the FAT.
Happy hacking!
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Schema di montaggio su Slim Trinity
schema per usarlo con altri glitcher:
rimosso xchè deve esserne rilasciato uno funzionante :)
Anche il download è indisponibile per ora
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