E' stato rilasciato dal coder Swizzy il programma Dashlaunch Temp Monitor V1.1 che permette la visualizzazione delle temperature della nostra xbox da pc a chi ha gia' installato Dashlaunch v2.29(temperature anche "IN-GAME")ma non ha installato python sul pc
[url=http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telecharger-427522-dashlaunchtempmonitor-v11.html]..:: Download ::..[/url]
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Changelog - New features and bug fixes
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* v1.1 *
- Removed: Option to display raw data in the log, it's not really needed
for end-users, if you are a dev and want to see the raw data, go right ahead
and download the source, uncomment the blob of code that handles this and
you'll have all of it right there infront of you in a flash!
- Added: Support for reading Path/PEname data from dashlaunch 2.29 output
NOTE: it'll still support the data output of 2.28 just the same, difference
is that it now also reads the extra data that is within version 2.29
- Fixed: Optimized the app ALOT, it no longer use a shitload of your cpu
it now use around 1-3% of your CPU
- Added: Translation for all devices that are currently available, so it's
easier for you to see/understand where the game/app is run from in the log later on
and also what is actually running(NOTE: this is not a flawless identification so
it may still be a bit cryptic to know what was running...)
- Added: Counter for how many readings are in the log
- Added: Option to automaticly flush the log to temps.log every time the counter reaches
the set value you've specified, this makes the log window cleaner and lets you keep logging
for a very long time and then check back to see how the temperatures changed without your
computer going berserk on you because your memory is packed with a shitload of data from my app
- Fixed: when opening the prog without the log then enabling it, the window would keep
the log hidden, now it resize the window properly, otherwise it saves the window size when you
hide the log and put's it back into that size when you want to show it again
- Added: Last minute change adding Title/Media ID output aswell, along with an option to
enable/disable this output in the log (it's on a seperate line to make it easier to find)
Installiamo Dashlaunch v2.29,editiamo il launch.ini aggiungendo il seguente settaggio dopo
tempbcast = true
temptime = XX (XX = secondi di intervallo tra la rilevazione della temperatura)
Avviamo l'xbox(che ricordo deve essere connessa al pc)
Avviamo Dashlaunch Temp Monitor v1.1