se ricordate la news di ieri su xextool viene subito rilasciato un update per la comoda interfaccia grafica per i meno "smanettoni" da linea di comando
__ __ _______ _
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GUI v1.8
by mLoaD
+ added .lex file support (Xbox360 System Files)
+ added create binary for IDA
+ added binary 2 xex option
* fixed Incorrect ending by binary files
+ added language option
* fixed ml_xexgui.lng file
* fixed Multilanguage system
+ added better Dumb folder create function
* fixed backup bug no xex file selected and reload the GUI
(I hate this bug I hope that was the last time)
# updated GUI for multilanguage
+ added multilanguage support
+ added xex bounding path option
+ added more remove options
remove bounding device id
remove console id restriction
remove dates restriction
remove keyvault privileges restriction