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Discussione: f *** Psn v0.7b - 4.11

  1. #1
    Newser L'avatar di DieFreiheitOderTod
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011

    f *** Psn v0.7b - 4.11

    f *** Psn v0.7b - 4.11-35456d1338927595-fp.png

    Seguite questo thread per gli aggiornamenti più recenti, supporto e informazioni su F *** Psn

    f *** Psn v0.7b - 4.11-35459d1338961167-fuckpsn.jpg

    drizzt ha rilasciato f *** Psn v0.7b il quale dovrebbe risolvere i problemi con Kmeaw, geohot o qualsiasi altro CFW (Windows / Linux).
    Lo svilupatore drizzt, l'uomo dietro il ben noto gestore Gaia e versioni precedenti di f *** Psn , è tornato oggi con la versione 0.7 non "ufficiale", quest'ultima infatti è attualmente a scopo di test, per il rilascio ufficiale si deve ancora aspettare.

    Attualmente, per gli utenti potrebbero verificarsi problemi/errori quando si utilizzano i seguenti software in concomitanza: CFW Rebug, Rebug Spoofer, TB v2.6 + (versioni con spoofer). In altre parole, utilizzare a proprio rischio, se non sapete esattamente cosa state facendo siete pregati di attendere il rilascio della versione ufficiale.

    About f***Psn v0.7:

    ****Psn 0.7 by [email]drizzt@ibeglab.org[/email]

    CA27.cer, dev_blind.pkg, ****Psn-v0.7.exe from here
    OpenPS3FTP v1.3 or later, you can download 1.5 from here

    v0.7: Add support for 4.11 spoofing
    v0.6: Use an empty consoleid. Warning: be sure to get my 0.6 version
    v0.5: Add support for firmwares older than 3.55
    v0.4: Don't use PS3DNS anymore


    Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3 (using FTP, external USB or what else)
    Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
    Open OpenPS3FTP
    Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox)
    Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
    Rename CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak
    Put my CA27.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA27.cer
    Set the PS3's PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC's IP address
    Reboot your PS3
    Start ****Psn-v0.7.exe
    Enjoy with PSN

    If you have followed the OLD guide you need to rename the original CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak and (my) CA24.cer to CA27.cerand you have to restore the old CA24.cer, by renaming CA24.cer.bak to CA24.cer
    This is needed since some games use the original CA24.cer
    If you lost original cert, you can take it here

    Q: ****PSN does not start or prints "Address already in use" as error
    A: Close anything that is using port 80 or 443, try also to close skype and to disable ICS if you are using it.

    If you like my work please
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    Using under Linux

    Download source code
    Install required gems with gem install rubydns rainbow
    [Workaround] If you are using Ruby 1.9.3 you need to use a fixed RubyDNS version withwget [url]https://github.com/downloads/drizztb...+ruby1.9.3.gem[/url] && gem install rubydns-0.3.4+ruby1.9.3.gem
    Launch ****Psn: sudo ./****Psn.rb

    Build EXE (Windows only)

    Install Ruby for Windows
    Install eventmachine beta gem install eventmachine --pre
    Install required gems by opening the "Ruby Command Line" and typinggem install ocra rainbow rubydns windows-pr win32console
    [Workaround] If you are using Ruby 1.9.3 you need to use a fixed RubyDNS version, so downloadhttps://github.com/downloads/drizztb...+ruby1.9.3.gem and install it by typinggem install rubydns-0.3.4+ruby1.9.3.gem
    Launch: ocra --icon ****Psn.ico ****Psn.rb data\*
    You will have ****Psn.exe file


    Downloads/Source: [URL="https://github.com/drizztbsd/fuckPsn"]drizztbsd / f***Psn[/URL]
    Ultima modifica di Raiden; 06-06-12 alle 09: 27


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