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Discussione: [NEWS] Cobra ode update firmware2.1

  1. #1
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011

    [NEWS] Cobra ode update firmware2.1

    Il Team Cobra rilascia il firmware v2.1

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    Migliorata la stabilita' del sistema , GenPs3swapDisc adesso è in grado di aggiornare il disco di

    swap quando verranno implementati nuovi eboot facendo in modo di non dover ri-convertire le iso

    per il nuovo disco .

    la cartella eboot e' stata aggiornata con 5760 file eboots.

    il Team comunica che su alcune versioni del Cobra ODE v5.1b , hanno avuto problemi nella progettazione

    che portano ad avere dati corrotti, ed errori quando si tenta di eseguire i giochi.

    Proprio su queste versioni (v5.1b) dopo aver aggiornato al firmware 2.1 si dovessero riscontrare

    errori 80010017-80010007 nel xbm , è possibile chiedere la sostituzione

    Changelog- v2.1

    COBRA ODE 2.1
    * FPGA 1 : Fix AES encryption timing issues causing some encryption errors
    * FPGA 3 : Improve stability
    * V5.x boards : Update USB driver
    * V5.x boards : Fix race condition on USB reads causing error
    * Add support for bypass.delay configuration option
    * Add support for folders.ps3_games configuration option
    * Add support for folders.ps2_games configuration option
    * Add support for folders.ps1_games configuration option
    * Add support for folders.bd_movies configuration option
    * Add support for folders.dvd_movies configuration option
    * Fix issue with uninitialized configuration on ODE boot causing software pass-through mode to be enabled by default until valid HDD is inserted
    * Change default manager type to browser
    * Set eject.on_selection=1 option as default
    * Set eject.add_menu=1 option as default
    * Set mcu.underclock=1 option as default
    * Fix issue of disc not showing if PS3 boots with a BD-RE disc in tray
    * Display firmware version in XMB when using the browser
    * Fix bypass method freezing for 4k systems with MPX001 motherboards

    COBRA ODE 2.0
    * FPGA 1 : Increase AES encryption module performance to 220% faster than previous release
    * FPGA 3 : Fix disc dumping corruption and increase disc dumping performance by 100%
    * Added support for manager.type=browser configuration option to autogenerate browser
    * Added support for software-emulation Pass-Through mode
    * Added support for bypass.4.55=1 configuration option to bypass the 4.55 superslim security
    * Added support for game.pt=1 configuration option to force software-emulation Pass-Through
    * Added support for updating PS3 firmware without needing to switch to PT mode
    * Added support for eject.add_menu=1 configuration option to add a menu to return to manager when game iso is loaded
    * Added support for eject.delay option to specify delay in milliseconds before reinsertion of disc after it has been ejected on QSB systems
    * Added support for manager.on_eject=0 configuration option
    * Added support for mcu.underclock configuration option
    * Added support for leds.disable configuration option to disable specific LED colors
    * Various stability fixes

    COBRA ODE 1.9
    * Added PS1 game support
    * Added PS2 game support
    * Added DVD movies support
    * Added BD movies support
    * Added game.type=ps3|ps1|ps2|dvd|bd configuration option for manager.type=disabled
    * Added iso.X.type=ps3|ps1|ps2|dvd|bd configuration option for manager.type=custom
    * Added disc.unsupported=ignore configuration option
    * Enable HDD hot swap. auto-eject feature will be activated when HDD is inserted or removed
    * Disable HDD polling while PS3 is reading from the HDD
    * Fix crash with HDD polling
    * Fix freezing with auto-eject feature
    * Various bug and stability fixes
    * Temporary workaround for fake-eject not working on 4.x boards and pata/sata consoles
    * New volume id field in COBRA info file
    * New game type field in COBRA info file
    * 500 iso limit is reached in the following order: ps3 games, ps1 games, ps2 games, dvd movies, bd movies

    COBRA ODE 1.8
    * Increase version number and recompiled 1.7 to avoid a compiler bug which caused MCU to crash

    COBRA ODE 1.7
    * Increase stealth for IRD generated iso by supporting custom disc piczone

    COBRA ODE 1.6
    * Add support for auto-eject of discs for game selection
    * Add support for eject.on_selection=1 configuration option
    * Fix PS3 freeze when HDD enters sleep mode
    * Add support for hdd.poll=INT configuration option
    * Add support for /dev_bdvd/COBRA/EJECT file
    * Add new quick_eject information in COBRA.NFO

    COBRA ODE 1.5
    * Fix support for manager.on_reboot=1 option for SLIM consoles
    * Add support for manager.type=custom configuration option
    * Add support for manager.type=custom+homebrew and manager.type=homebrew+custom configuration option
    * Add support for iso.INT.sector=HEX and iso.INT.path configuration options
    * Add support for manager.disctype=cd/dvd/bd/ps1/ps2/ps3 configuration option
    * Add support for game.disctype=cd/dvd/bd/ps1/ps2/ps3 configuration option
    * Fix a couple of bugs with ODE functionality

    COBRA ODE 1.4
    * Fix support for some USB drives that were broken with previous update
    * Fix crash when over 120 files were in the PS3_GAMES directory
    * Increase file and iso limit from 128 to 500 files
    * Add support for cobra.cfg configuration file
    ** Add support for manager.type=disabled configuration option
    ** Add support for manager.on_reboot=1 configuration option
    ** Add support for game.path= configuration option

    COBRA ODE 1.3
    * Fix support for some USB drives that were not being detected
    * Allow iso files without an ICON0.PNG, such as install discs, to be mounted
    * Added DISC.ISO LBA to the COBRA.NFO file
    * Change iso information file format, expose file size

    COBRA ODE 1.2
    * Added support for NTFS drives with 2048 and more than 4096 cluster sizes
    * Added COBRA.NFO file to /dev_bdvd/COBRA directory containing firmware version

    COBRA ODE 1.1
    * Allow switching from manager mode to game mode by ejecting the disc after
    making the selection in the manager. Rebooting the console is not necessary
    anymore, but still an option.

    COBRA ODE 1.0
    * Initial factory release

    [URL="http://www.team-cobra-ode.com/"] Fonte[/URL]

    [URL="http://scmods.com/cobra/Cobra_ODE_Firmware_v2.1.rar"]Cobra ode v2.1 firmware

    [/URL][URL="http://www.team-cobra-ode.com/downloads/Cobra_ODE_Database_(14-06-2014).rar"] *Cobra ODE Database[/URL][URL="http://scmods.com/cobra/Cobra_ODE_Database_%2814-06-2014%29.rar"]
    [URL="https://anonfiles.com/file/e5d911b1ec36089a71e9b6044da2b3b6"]Cobra Ode Bypass 4.55 v1.2[/URL]

    [URL="http://scmods.com/cobra/Anti-ODE_Security_Bypass_Manual_(English)_v1.1.pdf"]Anti-Ode Security Bypass Manual 1.1[/URL]
    Ultima modifica di Tommino81; 17-06-14 alle 11: 04
    xboxbs, zeruel85, Stryp and 1 others like this.
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
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    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  2. #2
    Newser L'avatar di Netkar
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2011
    se qualcuno ha bisogno dei file li ho messi qui: [url]http://1drv.ms/1lNkLL6[/url]

  3. #3
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    okey, ma i download dei file funziona appena provato su tutti e 4"
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]


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