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Discussione: [NEWS] PS3-Plugin webMAN by Deank

  1. #21
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Uscita la versione v1.12


    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx"]Nome: Download-CO.JPG
Visite: 258
Dimensione: 3.8 KB[/URL]
    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 13-11-13 alle 21: 37
    Tommino81 likes this.

  2. #22
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    importante update alla versione 1.13
    per tutti coloro che hanno (ironicamente deriso ) il plugin , ecco cosa implementa questo update :
    * supporto dei titoli dalla rete
    * funzione netiso (avvio dei giochi direttamente da pc o rete domestica)
    * accesso ai titoli PSone-PSP-PS2-PS3 direttamente dalla XBM
    se consideriamo che il plugin è uscito da poco , io direi che DEANK , ad oggi ha fatto un grandissimo lavoro
    aggiornato ilo thread , che comunque avra' sempre l'ultimo download disponibile
    Ultima modifica di Tommino81; 15-11-13 alle 08: 41
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  3. #23
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    webMAN 1.14 is now available:
    [url]http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx[/url] (75KB)

    For network games:
    The first time you load a network PS3 ISO or JB/folder game the PARAM.SFO will be cached and used later for TITLE and TITLE_ID and also ICON0.PNG will be cached
    When no mM is installed / no cover is available, cached .PNG will be used for image in "My Games -> PLAYSTATION3" folder
    PS3 ISO games will show proper title names the next time you reboot (after you loaded a net ISO at least once)

    Web browser will close as soon as possible and if mounting/loading takes more time - it will be performed in the background (so no more 2-3 seconds whitescreen)
    You can load one network game, play, load another, etc, etc, load local games/video.... All is ok until you load a PS1 network game. Once you load a network PS1 game you can only load local (hdd0/usb) games, but no more network stuff and you'll have to reboot. I'm trying to get it to mount ps3 games after ps1 bin/iso is loaded, but still can't. Anyway it is not that bad as it is.

    In short.... Network games in folder/ISO format will show images (on next PS3 boot) after you load them
    at least once. Cached ICON0.PNG is saved in /dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp with the name of the JB/folder or the ISO name - (/net/Lego -> Lego.PNG /net/Batman.ISO -> Batman.PNG)

    A quick note to those who have sync issues or can't get the network stuff working properly: Set your PS3 to use a static IP address. Using DHCP for dynamic IP may take too much time and cause webMAN to give up on waiting for connection to your PC/NAS. I added some reasonable delays, but you can avoid all that with a static IP if applicable in your environment.
    Tommino81 likes this.

  4. #24
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Grazie guerriero ! Tra un po' sistemo il thread iniziale

    Inviato dal mio ZP980
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  5. #25
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    rilasciata la 1.16

    webMAN 1.16

    If you start the PS3 with no ps3netsrv running it should still load your local games under "My Games"
    After a local PS3 .ISO is loaded at least once, its param.sfo & icon0.png are cached in wmtmp folder - on next reboot the ps3 iso games will have the correct names. If you don't have mM+covers installed you will still see the icon0.png for the ps3 iso games.
    Added [x] Disable FTP service option in SETUP
    Added [x] Disable USB polling option in SETUP
    Game list changed to 4 entries per line
    When mounting PS3/PS2/PSX ISO games and Blu-ray/DVD ISO videos from a browser - the icon/cover will be shown if present
    Network games now show in browser interface
    Local and network games (PS3) will show covers if available
    SETUP options for content scan are now applied to browser interface
    Fixed a major bug, which caused instability for some users with a lot of games/scanned-folders. Update to 1.16 is highly recommended!
    Added CPU/RSX temperature display in browser mode (Celsius and Fahrenheit)

    Late edit:

    Added /cpursx.ps3 page with 10 seconds autorefresh, to show current CPU/RSX temperatures:
    Nome: 48915d1385239699-webman-temp.jpg
Visite: 224
Dimensione: 14.8 KB
    Tommino81 likes this.

  6. #26
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    aggiornato primo post grazie guerriero !
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  7. #27
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    rilasciata 1.17

    You can download webMAN 1.17 now:

    Added "Enable dynamic fan control" option in [SETUP] - only for COBRA7-4.46 firmwares (thanks to Estwald for the fancontrol payload)
    Added two modes: Auto (with 62'C/68/70/73/77'C thresholds) and 6 preset manual fan speeds:
    25% fan speed (0x40)
    38% (0x60)
    44% (0x70)
    56% (0x90)
    75% (0xC0)
    100% (0xF0)

    Changing the fan options in [SETUP] are applied immediately and don't require restart (unless you want to disable the fan control).

    I've never used the fan control thing, but I think it works just ok. Give it a try and let me know.

    Here is 'my' version of the fancontrol payload put in one simple function:

    fan_control(u8 temp0, u8 temp1, u8 temp2, u8 temp3, u8 temp4, u8 temp5)
        if(peekq(0x80000000002EA9B8ULL)==0x4345580000000000ULL)// {dex_mode=0; c_firmware=4.46f;}
            u64 PAYLOAD_BASE = 0x8000000000000f70ULL;
            u64 syscall_base = 0x800000000035E860ULL;
            u8 payload[1832]={...};
            u64 *addr= (u64 *)payload;
            addr[1] = syscall_base;
            addr[2] += PAYLOAD_BASE;
            addr[3] = peekq(syscall_base + (u64) (130 * 8));
            addr[4] += PAYLOAD_BASE;
            addr[5] = peekq(syscall_base + (u64) (138 * 8));
            addr[6] += PAYLOAD_BASE;
            addr[7] = peekq(syscall_base + (u64) (379 * 8));
                for(u16 m = 0; m < ((1832 + 7) & ~7); m+=8)
                    pokeq(PAYLOAD_BASE + (u64) m, addr[m>>3]);
            u64 payload_ctrl = (PAYLOAD_BASE + (lv2peek32(PAYLOAD_BASE + 4ULL ))) - 8ULL;
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl +  0ULL, 0x33); // current fan speed
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl +  4ULL, 0x00); // 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled without leds, 2 - enabled with leds
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl +  8ULL, 0x5F); // fan speed in shutdown syscall (when it calls PS2 Emulator)
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 12ULL, 0x40); // fan speed < temp_control0
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 16ULL, 0x58); // fan speed temp_control0 => temp_control1
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 20ULL, 0x60); // fan speed temp_control0 <= temp_control1
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 24ULL, 0x68); // fan speed >= temp_control1
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 28ULL, 0x70); // fan speed >= temp_control2
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 32ULL, 0x78); // fan speed >= temp_control3
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 36ULL, 0x98); // fan speed >= temp_control4
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 40ULL, temp1); // temp_control0 (єC)
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 44ULL, temp2); // temp_control1 (єC)
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 48ULL, temp3); // temp_control2 (єC)
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 52ULL, temp4); // temp_control3 (єC)
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 56ULL, temp5); // temp_control4 (єC)
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 12ULL, temp0);    // fan speed < temp_control0
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 16ULL, temp0); // fan speed temp_control0 => temp_control1
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 20ULL, temp0); // fan speed temp_control0 <= temp_control1
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 24ULL, temp0); // fan speed >= temp_control1
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 28ULL, temp0); // fan speed >= temp_control2
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 32ULL, temp0); // fan speed >= temp_control3
                lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 36ULL, temp0); // fan speed >= temp_control4
            lv2poke32(payload_ctrl + 4ULL, 0x01);
            pokeq(syscall_base + (u64) (130 * 8), PAYLOAD_BASE + 0x10ULL);
            pokeq(syscall_base + (u64) (138 * 8), PAYLOAD_BASE + 0x20ULL);
            pokeq(syscall_base + (u64) (379 * 8), PAYLOAD_BASE + 0x30ULL);
            lv2poke32(0x800000000000C698ULL, 0x38600000); // sys 383
            lv2poke32(0x8000000000009E28ULL, 0x38600001); // sys 409
            lv2poke32(0x800000000000A324ULL, 0x38600001); // sys 389
            lv2poke32(0x800000000000A3ECULL, 0x38600001); // sys 386

  8. #28
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    guerriero sei immenso..........!
    aggiorno primo post
    deank non ha altro da fare la notte?
    alexpierotti likes this.
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  9. #29
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    forse non gli piace la passera pelosa (come direbbe BigP) !!

    comunque io non capisco una cosa:
    che senso ha ogni 2 giorni rilasciare una versione nuova con qualche piccola nuova feature..... molto meglio (opinione personale), pubblicarne una ogni mese comprensiva di un changelog veramente significativo.....
    Come stanno le cose oggi, non si fa in tempo ad installare un'applicazione che già il giorno dopo esce la versione nuova !!

    Ad ogni modo grande @guerriero sempre super-veloce nel postare e scovare news......
    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 26-11-13 alle 19: 12

  10. #30
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    aggiornato primo post WebMan v 1.18
    grazie Guerriero
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  11. #31
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Pur non cambiando versione (che quindi rimane sulla 1.18), il developer Deank aggiunge nuove feature al suo noto homebrew:


    L’elenco Games viene memorizzato nella cache, e precisamnete sul path "dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/games.html.
    Può essere aggiornato se si clicca sul tasto [ Refresh HTML ] o se sono trascorse almeno dodici ore dall’ultimo aggiornamento.

    Nome: Download-CO.JPG
Visite: 158
Dimensione: 3.8 KB[/URL]


  12. #32
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    Deank in effetti esagera con gli update ravvicinati
    Interessante che abbia pubblicato il sorgente.

    There are few new tweaks to webMAN - you can redownload and test it: [url]http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx[/url]

    Refresh XML - refreshes mygames.xml for "My Games" XMB entry (/refresh.ps3)
    Refresh HTML - refreshes games.html - the [Games] list for browser mode (/index.ps3?html)
    The game list for browser mode is cached and won't cause scan each time you open the page.
    There should be no duplicates for network games (unless you have more than one copy)
    This version should support larger games collections
    Fixed issues with last-game and slow usb drives when startup content scan is disabled

    The game list (for browser mode) is cached as /dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/games.html and is refreshed only if you press [Refresh HTML] or if more than 12 hours have passed since the last refresh.

    NOTE: I don't know if I mentioned it before, but... DO NOT use [Refresh XML] / [Refresh HTML] while playing games. These functions require memory and for the short time they operate the game may run out of memory and crash. Use these ONLY while in XMB.
    webMAN 1.19:

    SPRX: [url]http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx[/url]
    SOURCE: [url]http://www.deanbg.com/webMAN_1.19.zip[/url]

    I don't think I ever posted webMAN's source before, so here it is... Not very clean and tidy, but...
    I think the application is now mature enough (for just a month of development) and folks can use it as a base for something... I do hope tho, that we won't see 'name'-clones like "venixMAN", "johny13's supercool XMB"-plugin... I know people LOVE putting their names on everything, but I hope this time it won't happen

    Weird enough for the last two months we didn't see any plugins of any kind... I wonder why...

  13. #33
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    aggiornato primo post v 1.19 , thank you very much Guerrierodipace and Alex Pierotti
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  14. #34
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da guerrierodipace Visualizza Messaggio
    Deank in effetti esagera con gli update ravvicinati
    In effetti mi sembra un pò troppo 2 aggiornamenti in 2 giorni... non ha senso, ma non possiamo che ringraziare il developer che continua ad aggiornare ed aggiungere nuove caratteristiche !!

    Purtroppo dall'altra parte c'è il povero Tommy che ogni giorno maledice di aver postato per primo la news... tocca a lui infatti ogni volta aggiornare il post#1

    @guerriero secondo me ogin volta che gli aggiorniamo la news ci manda qualche macumba

    Ehi tommy, vedrai che se sei buono con guerriero ed alex, babbo natale ti porta un regalino
    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 04-12-13 alle 19: 06

  15. #35
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Uhmm alex vi maledico entrambi , pero' vi voglio bene e non mi resta che aggiornare in silenzio....

    Inviato dal mio ZP980 utilizzando Tapatalk
    alexpierotti likes this.
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  16. #36
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Uscita v 1.21
    Ennesimo aggiornamento che fixa un piccolo bug/crash quando si premeva [SELECT] + [R1] o [L1].


    Per visualizzare e scorrere le ultime tre partite attraverso la pressione dei tasti [SELECT] + [R1] o [L1] è necessario caricare prima 3 giochi diversi da browser o dal menù "My Games". Se tale operazione non viene fatta non accade nulla a video, mentre in precedenza si aveva un crash del sistema

    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx"]Nome: Download-CO.JPG
Visite: 128
Dimensione: 3.8 KB[/URL]

    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 07-12-13 alle 14: 21

  17. #37
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Uscita la versione 1.23

    Il developer Deank è riuscito a integrare il supporto per i percorsi di rete (su net0 e net1).


    Grazie al montaggio delle cartelle da remoto, si possono installare i package files direttamente dal PC, riuscendo così a montare qualsiasi cartella e renderla accessibile in altre applicazioni (come Showtime ecc..).

    Dopo aver scelto la voce <dir> saremo in grado di accedere ai file pkg dalla voce [* Install Package Files] sulla XMB, inoltre la voce “/dev_hdd0/packages” è montata come “/app_home” per un facile accesso ai file pkg locali.

    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx"]Nome: Download-CO.JPG
Visite: 124
Dimensione: 3.8 KB[/URL]
    Tommino81 likes this.

  18. #38
    Newser L'avatar di Tommino81
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    ragazzi sono indietro con gli update , perdonatemi ma un giorno dovrebbe avere 36 ore , a breve mi faro' perdonare ......!
    comunque dai domani con calma aggiorno un po' il thread
    Guida Downgrade Ps3 con Teeensy++ 2.0 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/10018-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-teensy-2-0-a.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ps3 Nand --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/5224-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-60gb-e-40gb-con-nand-usando-progskeet.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida E3 flasher + Linker --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/9039-tutorial-downgrade-al-fw-3-55-delle-ps3-80gb-fat-e-slim-con-nor-usando-e3flasher.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Validazione Dump Ps3 --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-hardware-ps3-ps3-slim/11727-tutorial-analisi-e-validazione-dei-dump-dual-nand-e-nor.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida R-Jtag --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12821-tutorial-installazione-e-guida-r-jtag-team-xecuter-su-tutte-le-xbox-360-phat.html"]CLICCA[/URL]
    Guida Ricreare Nand Retail --> [URL="http://www.consoleopen.com/forum/tutorial-base-per-installazione-dellrgh/12664-tutorial-ricreare-la-nand-retail-per-possessori-di-rgh-senza-dump-originale.html"]CLICCA[/URL]

  19. #39
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Ehi tommy non ti preoccupare..... viene rilasciato un aggiornamento al giorno e mi pare troppo....
    postiamo quì in fondo al 3d... poi ogni tanto (tempo libero tuo permettendo) aggiorni il post#1
    tanto i changelog tra una ver. e quella successiva è minimo

  20. #40
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    Uscita la versione 1.24


    Nome: Download-CO.JPG
Visite: 128
Dimensione: 3.8 KB

    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server.sprx"]webMAN 1.24 (90KB)[/URL]
    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webftp_server_ccapi.sprx"]webMAN 1.24 CCAPI (90KB)[/URL]
    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/prepNTFS.pkg"]prepNTFS 1.0 (PKG) (297KB)[/URL]
    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/prepNTFS.self"]prepNTFS 1.0 (SELF) (273KB)[/URL]
    [URL="http://www.deanbg.com/webMAN_1.24.zip"]webMAN 1.24 source with prepNTFS.self, prepNTFS.pkg, webftp_server.sprx and webftp_server_ccapi.sprx (888KB)[/URL]

    Ultima modifica di alexpierotti; 11-12-13 alle 20: 04

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