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Discussione: Iris Manager

  1. #1
    Newser L'avatar di DieFreiheitOderTod
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011

    Iris Manager

    Estwald un utente del forum spagnolo Elotrolado è tornato con un altro aggiornamento per Iris Manager 1.53.
    Questa versione include l'auto shutdown della console se la CPU o RSX dovessero funzionare al di sopra dei 80°C per più 90 secondi.
    Una cosa che potrebbe piacere a diversi utenti è la compatibilità con i giochi Psx .

    Iris Manager-40749d1358431170-irisps3white.gif

    Changelog Spanish:
    Lo he agrupado todo por que así no se pierde

    - Incluye soporte 3.55DEX (gracias a Rancid-0)

    - Añadido chequeo de tamaño cuando se copian juegos (en el caso del HDD si es mayor que el tamaño + 1GB, aborta, en el caso de USB si es mayor que el tamaño + 1MB da la posibilidad de abortar)

    - Añadido por defecto el BD-Emu que no monta el HDD: ahora tenéis las dos opciones, Nueva y Vieja, con un retoque más ésta última

    - Algunas partes del código han sido retocadas, por si influyen en cuelgues aleatorios al arrancar el programa.

    - Añadido soporte Homelaunc1 (PSN/Homebrew desde USB) para 3.55DEX

    Y ahora la explicación para los usuarios:

    - Ahora al tener una hora de inactividad en Iris la consola se apaga

    - Como he comentado, alarma de temperatura en Iris: 90 segundos sin que la temperatura baje de 80º C ya sea en CPU o RSX y la consola se apaga.

    - El añadido de la callback de Disco permite que no estemos constantemente comprobando si hay o no un disco dentro y eso permite dar descanso al lector.

    - Añadido soporte de redirección libfs.sprx: copia por ftp o mediante usb ( mete en usb:/iris) libfs_patched.sprx, que se genera mediante patch_libfs.bat (no olvidar meter keys en la carpeta data!) y juegos como COD4: MW funcionarán desde interno al montar BD-Emu

    - En Tools (presionar START) la opción "Copy from /dev_usb/iris to Iris folder" os facilitará la vida para pasar cosas al directorio de instalación de Iris Manager. Por ejemplo, si metes "covers" de Multiman dentro de la carpeta del USB, os copiará su contenido o el propio libfs_parched.sprx del que hablabamos. La opción usa el copiado asíncrono para ganar velocidad.

    IMPORTANTE: esta nueva opción puede dañar la instalación de Iris Manager si no se usa con cabeza, por razones lógicas.

    NOTA: obviamente, no hay opción de borrar nada de lo que se copie, salvo por FTP o tirando de otros programas o desinstalando (lo cual hará que se pierdan las configuraciones de los juegos, etc)

    A disfrutar!
    Download: [URL="mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/ps3/irismanager-4-x.rar"]Iris Manger[/URL]
    Fonte: [URL="http://www.elotrolado.net/viewtopic.php?p=1731473402 "]EOL[/URL]
    Ultima modifica di DieFreiheitOderTod; 25-01-13 alle 16: 15

  2. #2
    Founder Admin L'avatar di Raiden
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Hanno aggiunto anche il supporto alle iso psx mi pare ...

  3. #3
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    1.53 [url]http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/ps3/irismanager-4-x.rar[/url]

  4. #4
    Open Member
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2012
    E' uscita la nuova versione di iris manager fonte logic sunrise, questo è il chanlog:
    - Added possibility to extract ISO PSX (Game Copy option, press Select on PSX disc) from multiple disks.

    - Added possibility to use tricks disk: ISO hits the / PSXGAMES / CHEATS. The iso should be 2352 bytes per sector that can then be used to adapt to other sizes, creating replicas. For example, the Xploder 4 is not even 10 MB, so it's no big deal to have multiple versions. When asked if you want to start using it and mount it as a first album. See notes for details (the name is the same, I just need an extension and a sector size correct, internally, is list what is in that directory looking for a valid ISO)

    - Changed BD Emu options: there are now separate options for internal or external disk: In internal: libfs always takes patched, can not mount or play as hard. In external: if you mount the disk, not taken libfs patched and is the recommended option. With libfs only recommend it for games that have cached data in the internal HDD.

    - Enabled L2 to show games. At first, the first option to show only R2 PS3 games, while if you press L2 would PSX
    link della fonte:[url]http://www.logic-sunrise.com/news-594533-iris-manager-v154-extraction-des-iso-psx.html[/url]

  5. #5
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?aofz3efu5m83gv6"]IrisManager (Language) Italian.pkg[/URL]

  6. #6
    iCouch L'avatar di guerrierodipace
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2013
    Questa è troppo bella per non pubblicarla...LOL

    Iris Manager-zpffui4.jpg
    zeruel85 likes this.

  7. #7
    The Banhammer! L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Rilasciata versione 1.55

    Ecco il changelog :

    What’s new:

    - 4.31 CFW Support Miralastijeras: Give thanks for my part, collaborative attitude author, who has tried to give me the job as possible (still, if I had not moved to CFW, would have been difficult, because there were things that fallitos missing and some we had gone mad: so that I could dump LV1 and LV2

    - New Homelaunc1 for CFW 4.31

    - New patch for PS1 EMULATOR: I put big that solves the problem that some games cause ps1_netemu call: I do fakeando the disk ID in sector 16. That was the reason why such Chrono Cross remained in black, but if another disk givest PSX, tore that game

    I also added a new patch to simulate TOC extended info, if necessary.

    IMPORTANT: 4.31 ps1_emu not be used. Using 4.30 or less. I have to look at how viable is doing via syscall emulation (the biggest problem, to house the code, which is a lot and used to all versions)

    - Fixed some minor bugs in the previous version.



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