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Discussione: configurare launch.in

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012

    configurare launch.in

    chi mi aiuta a configurare launch in modo tale che all'avvio parta la dasch originale e se premo qualche tasto parta la FreeStyle

  2. #2
    Vip Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    mi sembra che launch.ini gìà è impostato che all'avvio parte dash originale mentre se vedi nel launch.ini vedi tipo delle impostazioni per esempio premo A e ti fà partire qualcosa,premi B e ti fà partire un altra cosa e da lì cambi mettendo quello che vuoi fare partire schiacciando un pulsante

  3. #3
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da sokke Visualizza Messaggio
    chi mi aiuta a configurare launch in modo tale che all'avvio parta la dasch originale e se premo qualche tasto parta la FreeStyle
    Posta il tuo launch.ini e te lo edito come da tua richiesta.

    A titolo di esempio i punti che ti interessano sono cmq questi:

    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 06-04-12 alle 14: 30

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    questo e il launch.ini che ho cosa devo cambiare? grazie in anticipo

    Default = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex
    ; if true, brining up miniblade in NXE and then pressing Y will cause launch.xex to relaunch for you
    ; note you must release Y button then press desired QuickLaunchButtons after or use default item
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    nxemini = true

    ; if true ping limit will be removed for system link play (thanks FBDev!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    pingpatch = true

    ; if true (most) xbla will no longer need yaris patching (thanks mojobojo!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    contpatch = true

    ; Normally when a fatal error occurs the xbox will just freeze, setting this to false will cause a reboot or powerdown
    ; setting to TRUE will also disable the unhandled exception filter which tries to intercept recoverable unhandled exceptions with exit to dash
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalfreeze = false

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (hard reboot), setting it to false will instead have the box shut down
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalreboot = true

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false and fatalreboot is set to true, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (soft reboot) the way it was intended to
    ; ONLY set this to true if using blackaddr's reboot fix for SMC, else on reboot you will get E71 and corrupted dash/video/etc settings
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    safereboot = false

    ; when set to true, it is possible to hold RB when launching a game to have the region that the game gets from xam spoofed
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    regionspoof = false

    ; when regionspoof is true, you set your region here in hex preceding the value with 0x, for examle devkit would be region = 0x7fff
    ; if not present but regionspoof is set to true, this is set to 0x7FFF
    region = 0x7FFF

    ; when set to false, ejecting a dvd video or game returns you to your default item, set to true to auto exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    dvdexitdash = true

    ; when set to false, using the exit item in an XBLA game returns you to your default item, set to true to exit to NXE arcade menu
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    xblaexitdash = true

    ; when set to true, using miniblades system setting options will not exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nosy***it = true

    ; when set to true, miniblades will not appear... ever (requested as child saftey measure)
    ; note that using this option overrides everything in dash launch that relies on miniblade exits to function
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nohud = false

    ; when set to false, xbox will be capable of finding system updaters
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    noupdater = true

    ; when set to true, dash launch will put all debug strings out to uart
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    debugout = false

    ; when set to false, dash launch will not attempt to handle last chance unhandled exceptions
    ; if set to false, exceptions will also not be dumped to the dumpfile
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    exchandler = true

    ; by default this only dumps to UART, setting a file here will cause unhandled exception info to be dumped
    ; as text to a file. Same path restraints as the quick launch buttons.
    ; if exchandler is set to false, this option does nothing.
    ; note that this uses the first drive of the class found, so if you use usb: and have more than one usb device
    ; it may wind up on any of the usb devices depending on which was enumerated first. The path for the file is only
    ; checked on boot, so the device must be present at power on and at crash time for this to be effective
    ; ie: dumpfile = Usb:\crashlog.txt
    dumpfile =

    ; this value sets the number of times that buttons are checked for on bootup, as well as how long it checks for buttons
    ; and thus extends the length of time the boot animation will be displayed onscreen
    ; 0x5A is approximately 6s window for button detection, 0x2A approximately 2s - if set too short auto profile login breaks
    ; if set too long other wonky things happen
    ; note this value is interpreted as hexidecimal when preceded with 0x, valid range is 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
    ; if not set this value will be put to 0x2A (42)
    bootdelay = 0x2A

    ; if set to true, this will block the console from resolving LIVE related dns
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    liveblock = true

    ; if liveblock is set to true, this will block the console from resolving all MS related dns
    ; setting this to TRUE will also block apps like freestyle from accessing things like cover images
    ; *** note that if NO INI is present for launch.xex, this is set to TRUE
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    livestrong = false

    ; when set to TRUE the X (guide) and power button on IR remotes will cause the xbox to boot to NXE instead of default item
    ; note that powering on with the windows/start button automatically goes to NXE's media center now regardless of how this is set
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    remotenxe = true

    ; when set to TRUE all USB drives will be polled at hddtimer intervals for the file "alive.txt" in their root
    ; if the file exists, it will be recreated a

  5. #5
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Quale bottone vuoi premere perché parta la FSD?

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Merate (LC)
    ma il tasto va schiacciato prima di accenderla o durante l'accensione?

  7. #7
    Open Member L'avatar di carloss
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    SI tiene premuto durante l'avvio o quando esci da un gioco/homebrew dal menu "Torna alla pagina iniziale"

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    vorrei configurarllo in modo talle che all'avvio parta la dasch originale se premo A parta la frestaly dasch,e soprattutto disattivare i ping per kay.

  9. #9
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    Su Default metti:
    Default = Sfc:\dash.xex

    Poi scrivi vicino a Default:
    BUT_A = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex

    Per il ping limit cambi da true a false:
    pingpatch = false

  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012
    scusate la mia ignoranza quindi dovrebbe essere cosi ?

    Default = Sfc:\dash.xex
    BUT_A = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex
    ; if true, brining up miniblade in NXE and then pressing Y will cause launch.xex to relaunch for you
    ; note you must release Y button then press desired QuickLaunchButtons after or use default item
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    nxemini = false


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