As i know there are alot of italians out there that don't speak/understand english that well i figured i would post here asking for some assistance with my latest project, it's nearly finished in english, but talking to Raiden a little i got the idea of maybe getting someone here to translate it into italian
If anyone of you feel up for it, let me know and i'll send you the stuff you need to help me get it all translated =)
Some of the features of the program:
- It can translate error codes you get whiles doing updates into something readable (would be great to have this list translated into italian no?)
- It can download System updates and Prepare a USB stick/Harddrive to be used for updating the Xbox 360 dashboard
- It can check what version of update you have on your computer (it'll check the actual update file for what version it reports)
These are the 3 Main features of the program, it's also able to download updates to the error list and/or updates list (so you never need to download a new exe, you can just use this function and it'll update the important stuff for you!)
If you want to help me out with this, reply to the thread, send me a pm or send me an e-mail: ** Removed due to spam **
Ultima modifica di Swizzy; 07-06-12 alle 18: 38Motivo: removed my e-mail due to spam and there is already a translation out there now ;)
It 's interesting! I did not understand:
"Also it's Able to download updates to the error list and / or updates list (so you never need to download a new exe, you can just use this function and it'll update the important stuff for you!)"
When you say a new exe you mean by again exe crash fsd??
What i means is that you can in the program download a new XML containing links and MD5 Hashes of new system updates and/or a new XML containing error codes and messages to help you understand what the error really means... so that you may fix it without knowing everything about the box...
** Edit: **
If anyone wants to try it out it's available here: [url][/url] it's in english and will be newsed tomorrow morning (27/5-2012)