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  • 1 Post By zeruel85

Discussione: NANDOne v0.0.2 by tuxuser

  1. #1
    Regular Member
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2011

    NANDOne v0.0.2 by tuxuser

    It took only a few months for the X360 to fall apart into a bunch of understandable bytes for experienced scene developers, how long for XB1 will it take, as the same crew of experts unravel its bits?

    A short time ago a method to dump the NAND of an Xbox One was released.

    Since that announcement Jrunner has already been updated to allow it to dump the Xbox One NAND.

    Now Tuxuser who is known for things he has done in the 360 scene has created an app that may allow more information to be gathered from those NAND dumps.

    NANDOne v0.02

    Xbox One NAND Filesystem tool

    Parses Xbox One Nanddumps for file-adresses and extracts the binary files. As I only had two dumps to work with, it's probably not
    universally compatible and contains bugs for sure :P



    •Python 2.7
    •Xbox One eMMC NAND Dump


    •info --> Reads adresses from SFBX and GFCU Table and prints them to screen
    •extract --> Extracts the parsed entries from SFBX Table
    •sfbxscan --> If the SFBX adress of your NAND isn't contained, scan for the MAGIC/Header and append it to the list in the python script



    NANDOne.py [action] [dump]

    Available Action:

    sfbxscan --> Scans for SFBX address
    info --> Prints the parsed entries
    extract --> Extracts nand content


    NANDOne.py sfbxscan nanddump.bin
    The next step in the process is to decrypt the headers and find the keys and signature formats.

    Things seem to be moving along for the Xbox One nicely and maybe we will see a XOLinux (or whatever its decided to be called) pop up before the X1 is a year old.

    FONTE: [url=http://libxenon.org/index.php?topic=427.0]NANDOne[/url]

  2. #2
    God L'avatar di zeruel85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2012

    Per favore la prossima volta controlla se la news è già stata fatta, sennò si creano doppioni, grazie.
    Pa0l0ne likes this.


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